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  • New e-book "Lotus of the Fiery Love (The Legend of the Ascending Goddess)"

    Dear readers! We would like to inform you that Zinovya Dushkova's long-awaited book "Lotus of the Fiery Love (The Legend of the Ascending Goddess)" has been published in English translation. The book is dedicated to the Great Eternally Feminine Principle. The way of the woman of the Earth is the way of the goddess, whose name is Lakshmi. The gods of the "fallen" and the gods of the ascendants are narrated by the pages of ancient books hidden in the mysterious treasuries of Shambhala. We invite you to read this rare and inspiring book! The book is available for sale on Amazon and on the author's website.

  • NEW ELECTRONIC BOOK "THE MYSTERY OF CHRIST" (Preface by Zinovya Dushkova)

    Dear readers, we are pleased to inform you that the new e-book "Mystery of Christ (Apocryphal Epistles)" in English has finally seen the light of day. This book, written by the Great Devotee Thales of Argos, is extraordinary in its content and spiritual filling. For the first time the preface to this book - as a revelation and revelation of the Cosmic Mysteries - is given to the seeking reader by the writer and philosopher Zinovya Dushkova, the author of several dozens of spiritual and philosophical books, universally recognized placing her among the leading spiritual leaders of mankind. Soon the publication of the next book is expected - "Mystery of Christ - Mystery of Sophia", which covers the events of the end of the last century and the beginning of the present century, as well as - going beyond Time and Space, delineated by the Solar System - in the worlds where the Spirit of Christ awaited more than one Calvary.... Subsequently the third part of the Records will also be given, that as a whole with the book "Mystery of Christ" will form a single triple-book, - a kind of Sacral Triptych, - revealing to the reader's eye the pictures of the past, that were and always will be available only to the eye of the Great Initiates, one of whom is Thales of Argos. The book can be purchased both in the Amazon store and on the author's website. You can also order the book by writing to the e-mail address

  • Zinovya Dushkova's new German-language book, The Book of Secret Wisdom

    Zinovya Dushkova, Doktorin der Philosophie, wurde von der Zeitschrift „Watkins Mind Body Spirit“ neben dem Dalai-Lama und Papst Franziskus in die Liste der 100 spirituell einflussreichsten Menschen der Welt aufgenommen. Ihr wurde Zugang zu einem geheimen Manuskript gewährt, das über eine Million Jahre alt ist. Es ist unter dem Namen Buch des Dzyan bekannt und enthält Antworten auf die wichtigsten Fragen der Menschheit. In Senzar, der Sprache der Götter, geschrieben, wurde es im Herzen des Himalaya sorgsam aufbewahrt. In der gesamten Geschichte der Menschheit erhielten nur Gautama Buddha, Jesus Christus und die großen Mentoren der Menschheit Zugang zu der geheimnisvollen, vor den Augen der Menschen verborgenen Fundgrube, in der die heiligen Schriftrollen lagern. Erstmals in der Geschichte präsentiert Doktor Dushkova im „Buch der geheimen Weisheit“ ein Fragment aus dem geheimnisvollen Buch des Dzyan, um neuen Sinn und Hoffnung in Ihr Leben zu bringen. Das in wunderschöner und erhellender Sprache geschriebene Buch offenbart Ihnen nicht nur die Vergangenheit, sondern auch die Gegenwart und Zukunft. Um das Verständnis dieses tiefsinnigen und poetischen Textes zu erleichtern, wurde der Text um ein umfangreiches Glossar ergänzt. Die in diesem Buch präsentierte allumfassende Wahrhaftigkeit war stets ausschließlich privilegierten Eingeweihten antiker Zivilisationen und einigen wenigen Auserwählten vorbehalten, die nur einmal pro Jahrhundert in die Wohnstätte des Lichts – nach Shambhala – gerufen werden konnten … Heute ist sie auf den Seiten des „Buches der geheimen Weisheit“ zugänglich, welches in beispielloser Form die ältesten Geheimnisse der Welt von der großen Zukunft der Menschheit offenbart und die wichtigste Botschaft der Autorin in sich trägt: „Jeder von euch ist dazu bestimmt, sich im Bilde und nach dem Gleichnis Gottes zu entwickeln. Möge Gott euch also zu Schöpfern neuer stellarer Welten machen!“ "Das Buch der geheime Weisheit" kann auf der Website des Autors sowie bei Amazon und anderen Online-Händlern erworben werden.

  • New e-book "The Intimate Aloud"!

    Dear reader, We would like to draw your attention to the e-book "The Intimate Aloud," which might assist you in your search for a loving partner to call in life. Maybe you've cried out from the depths of your soul more than once, asking, "Why am I alone, unloved, and ununderstood?" We foster every emotion within ourselves, including love, happiness, and enlightenment. The author urges you to gaze into the most holy of places in the hopes that you will find a mirror image of yourself in the words of this book. Get your copy from the Website or Amazon!

  • New e-book «Revelations of the Sun»

    Dear reader, We present to your attention the e-book «Revelations of the Sun», which was written on the snowy peaks of the Himalayas, during the author's trip to Darjeeling. Despite the fact that the book touches upon сosmic processes covered from the position of the Sun-Moon relationship, each of you can get knowledge that will be useful in your everyday life. Another secret page in the history of the development of Mankind is revealed here, in the rays of the Sun and the Moon, which have the most powerful effect not only on the physical body, but also on the souls of those who are paving the way to their stellar Future. Get your copy here! Or:

  • The Book of Parables is now available in English

    Hello, readers! I draw your attention to the Book of Parables that is available on my website as well as on Amazon. The Great Wisdom of Shambhala is lovely because you can read the same text throughout your life and each time, depending on your inner state and the number of years you have lived, you will learn ever-newer truths and wise counsel that will benefit not only you personally but also your kin and close spiritual associates. Bless your spirits for ascending the Ladder of Evolution to the impassable heights of the Divine Spirit's accomplishments. And may you find these sage sayings from Shambhala useful as you travel the Bright Path! With Love, Zinovya Dushkova. You can buy the book on Zinovya Dushkova's website: Amazon:

  • Happy White Lotus Day!

    (The post was published in the Russian version on March 8, 2023) The ways of the Lord are inscrutable, just as the path of each of us is inscrutable… Mysterious and incomprehensible are the lives of those who have dedicated all their strength, both mental and physical, to the Service of the Hierarchy of Light. Slandered and torn to pieces by those to whom they brought the saving light of knowledge and heartfelt Love, they continue to look from the Faces of icons or ordinary photographs, silently testifying that they invisibly continue their Path among the vale of sorrows and sorrows ... Today, on May 8, except for those who is glorified in numerous churches, kneeling before icons, I would like to fall on my knees and bow my head before the usual image of the great Russian woman Helena Blavatsky, who left this world many years ago ... The secret knowledge that she bestowed on us continues to pave a difficult path among thorny human minds. Yes, the Path of Love and Compassion is complicated! Someone still has not woken up from “unconsciousness”, and for more than two thousand years, as before, he believes that “there was some kind of carpenter, either a self-proclaimed king of the Jews, or a criminal crucified between a swindler and a robber” ... And someone built temples for the last two thousand years, was crucified on crosses, like Jesus Christ, was torn to pieces by wild animals, died in inquisitorial dungeons or was burned at the stake. The traitors have become more sophisticated, they have replaced their medieval instruments of torture with lies and slander. But the true Ascetics of Light became stronger and grew in spirit, hardening their hearts in the centuries-old battles. And today the ranks of admirers and followers of the Messengers and Servants of God are expanding! Bow to you - Sister of the Great Brotherhood of Light! Truly, you personify the Symbol of the White Lotus: the flesh that has known immersion in the mud of base false inventions of human beings; a soul, like a stalk stretching upwards, overcoming the tenacious hands of traitors; and the spirit that made its way over the deadly surface of the swampy waters of Samsara - revealed itself with chastely pure snow-white petals of a marvelous lotus ... You have passed your Golgotha, Righteous Sister, and may your Path at the right hand of our Lord God be blessed in the ages of eternity! Amen.

  • Christ is Risen!

    I congratulate you on the Great Holiday, my dear brothers and sisters! For true Christians, there is an opportunity to celebrate the Resurrection of the Lord twice, and for someone He will Resurrect on another day, when the human heart feels thirsty in the Lighter and Higher currents of Divine Love. And let not only every Sunday, but every morning, together with the rising Sun, the Greatest Image of Christ the Savior Rise in our chest, giving liberation from the heavy fetters of the earth. On a good Path, children of the Sun, children of God, Resurrected in our hearts! With love, Zinovya Dushkova.

  • With the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos!

    The Archangel Brought the Good News From deep space distances. The Word of God to the Heart Conveyed: They bequeathed the Virgin to give birth to a Son! .. All the Worlds have laid gifts, Inmost God's Hope On the hearts of all-good altars, Laying the Path of Love… Ignorant! - How did you deal with your God?! The Supreme Judgment is coming! And everywhere Frozen in the dock Those who judged God on Earth... You are a bestial, cruel "law" Lawlessness has been done for centuries, But forgiveness granted by God, Do you deserve forgiveness in your hearts? .. Look into the depths of your hearts again, Did the Seed of Love grow there?! And admire the Archangels' Gaze Reflected by the light of the stars... In the blood! Again, all spheres are drowned in blood, Like thousands of thousands of centuries... Is there really so little faith in you, To meet Love with respect ?! May all the Angels of Heaven today And the Archangels of God will descend And Give all women Light Good News, so that they take up the Work: God's tribe to grow in these lands And like Saint Mary, Listening to the voice of the Higher Heart with all, Sharing their unearthly path... And there will be no Golgotha on the planet, For God's Judge is Just - He will award: to answer with love To all who judge by the Law of Love!

  • NEW ELECTRONIC BOOK "MYSTERY OF CHRIST" (Foreword by Z. V. Dushkova)

    On the eve of the Bright Feast of Easter and the Resurrection of Christ, the site published an extraordinary book in its content and spiritual content by the Great Initiate Thales the Argivian "The Mystery of Christ" (Apocryphal Epistles). For the first time, the preface to this book - as a revelation and a half-discovery of the Secrets of the Cosmic - was provided to the seeking reader by the writer and philosopher Zinovia Vasilievna Dushkova, the author of several dozen spiritual and philosophical books, generally recognized as placing her among the leading spiritual leaders of mankind. The publication of the next book is expected soon - "The Mystery of Christ - The Mystery of Sophia", which covers the events of the end of the past and the beginning of this century, as well as - going beyond the Time and Space outlined by the Solar system - in worlds where the Spirit of Christ was expected not alone Golgotha ... Subsequently, the third part of the Records will be given, that in general with the book "The Mystery of Christ" they will add up a single triplets, - a kind of Sacred Triptych, - revealing to the reader's gaze the pictures of the past, which were and always will be available only to the gaze of the Great Initiates, one of which Thales the Argive is also. The book can be purchased here: or write to the email address The German translation of the book is currently available for purchase. And the English version is already being prepared for publication.

  • Congratulations to Z. V. Dushkova on Teacher's Day

    With gratitude, we publish the Greeting for Zinovia Vasilievna Dushkova, sent on Teacher's Day by Tamara (group "Lada") from the village of Baevo, Altai Territory: Flashing days after days Years flow like a river But in the heart of the Starfire Never goes out. And if suddenly the earth The vanity will swirl We immediately remember What is in the world Who with all his life Gives an example of love Whose Bright Fatherland Among the heavenly spheres. But to us in the earthly vale She came down from heaven To touch hearts And in them the Fire has risen. And every step now We dedicate to you! Without you in the hearts of the desert, And with you - God's Temple.

  • Happy Spiritual Master's Day!

    With reverence I kneel before the Hierarchy of Light, and again and again I lay my heart on the Altar of Service to You, Lord of my heart. May Your Path be blessed in the ages of eternity, and may the Flame of Your Heart be sacredly revered by every person who has touched Your Word, besieged in Your Gifts. Eternal Glory to Thee, All-Wise Mentor, with great Patience and Love Awakening human hearts!.. Amen.

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