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Philosophy of Space Ecology (Germany, 2013)

The current stage in the development of science throughout the world is manifested in the desire to link together the physical processes occurring in outer space with terrestrial phenomena. Threats of a global ecological crisis hang over mankind, not only in the form of various tsunamis and earthquakes, but also in the form of solar flares, or invasions of the so-called space aliens, one of which is the Chelyabinsk meteorite. Thus, a relatively new interdisciplinary direction in science, as human ecology, I would say, acquires the character of cosmoanthropoecology.

At one time, the ancient Roman philosopher Cicero wrote that anyone who wants to live in harmony with nature must take the entire universe and its management as a starting point. Nowadays, different opinions are given regarding the role of philosophy in solving environmental problems, but one thing is clear: for many millennia, in the depths of human consciousness, the need has matured to link the world of space and the world of biological processes together. At the dawn of the formation of philosophy, many thinkers were already thinking about its ecological role. Thus, the Pythagoreans, who can be called the forerunners of ecological philosophy, observed the "prohibition to destroy any living being." The Hegesians, on the other hand, believed that “The advantage of the sage is not so much in the choice of goods, but in the avoidance of evils,” which we should remember in our age, when there is a larger-scale exploration of space. The great scientist-encyclopedist V.I. Vernadsky: sharing the views of his predecessors, he said that the creatures of the Earth are the creation of a complex cosmic process, a necessary and natural part of a harmonious cosmic mechanism, in which, as we know, there are no accidents.

Brilliant scientist A.L. Chizhevsky, the founder of heliobiology, as well as cosmic anthropoecology, in his book "Earth Echoes of Solar Storms", wrote that we are used to adhering to a rough and narrow anti-philosophical view of life as the result of a random play of only earthly forces. This, of course, is not true. But life, as we see, is to a much greater extent a cosmic phenomenon than an earthly one. It was created by the impact of the creative dynamics of the cosmos on the inert material of the Earth ... the greatest influence on the physical and organic life of the Earth is exerted by radiations directed towards the Earth from all sides of the Universe. They connect the outer parts of the Earth directly with the cosmic environment, make it related to it, constantly interact with it, and therefore both the outer face of the Earth and the life that fills it are the result of the creative influence of cosmic forces. And the outstanding geneticist of the twentieth century, J. Monod, Nobel Prize winner, said that the highest vanity of all sciences is the right to reveal the connection of man with the Universe. So, by now, many cause-and-effect relationships have already been established between changes in the parameters of cosmophysical processes with various phenomena on the planet, such as wars, revolutions, as well as mass hysteria, hallucinations, etc. Both Russian and foreign scientists have identified coincidences between the frequencies of electromagnetic radiation a number of planets of the solar system and the frequencies of rhythms of the human electroencephalogram, which suggests the possibility of a resonant interaction of the planets with the human brain; which can lead to a failure in the brain-environment system.

Thus, a philosophical view of issues related to the ecology of space, with the correct formulation of the problem itself, can help resolve issues outlined by cosmic scales. First, using the rich philosophical experience of predecessors, it is possible to form a cosmic type of worldview. Secondly, to promote the practical orientation of man to a new relationship with the cosmos, contributing to the building of the “brain-space environment” system. And thirdly, philosophy can carry out a theoretical synthesis and develop a methodology, combining different approaches to the problem associated with the philosophy of space ecology, and evaluate the processes taking place at the present stage of human development in a single system of the universe.

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