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  • Sun's Instructions | Zinovya Dushkova

    HOME Z. V. DUSHKOVA BIOGRAPHY ARTICLES FROM THE AUTHOR BOOKS Books in RU Books in EN, DE, FR, ES Audiobooks Buy books in Russia Buy books in Ukraine REVIEWS GALLERY PHOTO GALLERY VIDEO Sun's Instructions EBook in Ru ssian The book touches upon cosmo-spatial processes, illuminated from the standpoint of the Solar-Lunar relationships. Here one more secret page is revealed in the history of the development of Mankind, in the rays of the Sun and the Moon, creating the path to its stellar Future. Content I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX I ​ 1. Путь Луны и Путь Солнца различаются тем, что первая несёт огни, устилающиеся в горизонтальной плоскости. Солнце выстраивает всю вертикаль семеричной структуры, тогда как Луна ограничена сферами земной четверицы. ​ 2. Для всех духов, нисшедших из инопланетных сфер, раскинутых за пределами Солнечной системы, срок пребывания на уровне замкнутых Гилем пространств завершён с истечением Эпохи Рыб. Эпоха Водолея есть точка перехода к состояниям разрежённым. То есть первые пришельцы покидают пределы Царства Человеческого, совершив Посев на уровне четвериц землян. ​ 3. Познавшие «разделение» в низшей точке схождения в Гиль переступают черту Огненную, предопределяющую «слияние» с духами, себе подобными. И, поднимаясь ступенью выше, тем увлекают вверх в той или иной мере созвучные им души из пределов Царства Человеческого. ​ 4. Луна остаётся управителем плотных тел Земных творений. Они же готовы ступить на Путь Солнца. И здесь происходит очередное разделение: «Зёрна отсоединяются от плевел». То есть два противоположных полюса силою притяжения магнетического проявляют созвучное их огням отделение Небесного и Земного. ​ 5. Более, чем дано, не может быть дано, ибо не будет усвоено. Ткань плотная имеет пределы вместимости, и если увеличивать накал воздействия Огненного, это вызовет обратную реакцию, подвигая к полюсу Лунному. Но не к Луне подвигать имеем цель Мы, а к полюсу Солнечному. И потому призваны исполнять Законы сфер Высших. ​ 6. Луна живёт по своим законам: она вбирает свет Солнца мерою вместимости своей и, блеснув во всей славе, являет тёмную сторону. Так и люди Земли — двойственны, они могут быть светлы Светом нашим, покуда рядом с ними мощный Источник есть, но аккумулировать свой собственный Огонь, подобно Солнцу, покуда не способны они. ​ 7. Дети Солнца не должны быть заложниками законов Лунных. Питать дитя грудное есть смысл только в пределах сроков, очерченных «недееспособностью» его. Достигнув лет определённых, человек призван быть единицею самодостаточною. А питать «великовозрастное дитя» — значит растить особь подобно трутню, пожирающему плоды трудов чужих. ​ 8. Царь Грядущий на твердь Ступит не для того, чтобы питать «плоть человеческую» Огнями Духа Своего. Так было отдано Тело Христа, принявшего последнюю жертву со словами: «Ешьте плоть Мою, пейте кровь Мою». Гигантской силы искра жизни земной рассыпалась мириадами искринок живоносных, пронизывая плоть и кровь людей земных. И все последователи Учения Солнца были призваны принять последнюю жертву в плане «кровосмешения» с творениями Земли. Эпоха Рыб завершена, время Жертвы минуло, и Время ныне пришло совершить посев уровня более высокого — на уровне Триады Царства Человеческого. ​ 9. Земное земному оставить надлежит. Вдох и Выдох — правят всем Космосом. Насыщение огнями жертвенными — произошло. Чистота эксперимента требует оставить «Поле», очерченное сферами четвериц творений Земных. И пусть они сливаются светом отражений Лунных, проявляя способность взрастить в себе те искорки Света, что были вложены в них носителями Законов Солнца. ​ 10. Мы Шли, обратив взор вниз — в беспросветную глубь. И, достигнув бездны хаоса, совершили Великий Посев, растворившись в массе плотных тел земных. Точка «падения» Богов обращается в точку их восхождения. Сроки, отведённые на процесс сгущения материи, исчерпаны, и сроки разрежения её настали, что требует незамедлительного движения ступенями восхождения вертикального. И ныне Мы Смотрим вверх, обращая взор в беспредельные глубины миров звёздных. ​ 11. Все Пришедшие должны уйти, предоставляя право Иерархии Царства Человеческого вести тех, из недр которых они сумели выйти к Свету, твёрдо встав на Путь Солнца. Мы же оставляем за собой право Наставлять Водителей Рода Человеческого, проявляя Огни на уровне, ограниченном звучанием триад высших. А для этого нужно соприкосновение душ божественных, но не тел земных, низкочастотное звучание которых накладывает отпечаток Лунный, внося диссонанс на уровне энергетических структур. 12. Волею Закона все Мы и Наши сотрудники, нисшедшие в Гиль, освобождены от уз, связывающих с представителями Царства Человеческого. А это значит то, что энергетические центры, составляющие низшую триаду, более не должны смешиваться с огнями творений Земных. Весь фокус внимания переносится на триаду тел высших; таким образом слагается некая ступень созвучия, что может перерасти в наставничество высшего над низшим. И дух солнечный может увлечь тропою своей «дух лунный». Подобное притягивается к подобному. И «Дух Великого Разделения» должен коснуться каждого, на двух полюсах утверждая подвластных дыханию Луны и Солнца. Низшее — к низшему отойдёт, высшее — к Высшему притягивается. Так, на расстоянии определённом представ по отношению друг к другу, Иерархия Света, Солнцу подобно, будет питать Род Человеческий, который Законами цикличного Вдоха и Выдоха Лунного сложит свою историю восхождения ступенями Эволюции. The book "Instructions of the Sun" sounds like the Blagovest, the final chord of the Mystery of Star sowing on the soils of the earth. ​ The Light of Illumination is shed from the pages of the book on all human souls of the Sublunar Kingdom and awakens from a deep sleep of oblivion. ​ The book "Instructions of the Sun" is one of the treasures, the works of Zinovia Dushkova - take as much as you can fit. This is their feature. ​ Many thanks to the author for the long-awaited and timely, on pressing issues, book. ​ TO THE LIGHT WORKER Let the whirlwind spin For the Glory of the Father To the joy of the saints May there be no end Your deeds! Let the sparks of love They fly around the world Hearts are on fire People are being awakened. Let the light shine earth with love, She will rise Throw off the shackles! Let the darkness recede At the bright dawn There will be no place for her On our Earth! Let happiness live The gardens are blooming The man will be covered - Knows the truth. Let the dawn send Kiss of the universe. Love will rise Certainly in our hearts! Let the whirlwind spin For the glory of the Father For the joy of the saints. May there be no end Your deeds! Ekaterina Bychkova Kherson, Ukraine Reviews Subscribe to newsletter to receive messages directly from Zinovia Vasilievna Dushkova Email Subscribe Thanks for subscribing!

  • BOOK ORDER FORM | Zinovya Dushkova

    HOME Z. V. DUSHKOVA BIOGRAPHY ARTICLES FROM THE AUTHOR BOOKS Books in RU Books in EN, DE, FR, ES Audiobooks Buy books in Russia Buy books in Ukraine REVIEWS GALLERY PHOTO GALLERY VIDEO BOOK ORDER FORM (for Russia) For order printed books please fill out the form below. After sending the data from the form, we will contact you to confirm the order and make payment. Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to deliver printed books to other countries. Delivery of printed books is carried out only on the territory of Russia . Payment for the delivery of printed books - according to the tariffs of the delivery service. ​ If you want to order e-books , but for some reason you are having difficulty paying through PayPal, you can also fill out the form below and indicate that you need e-books. Name Surname Email Telephone City A country Street, house and apartment number Index Book title Select book title Number of book copies Your comment Book type Printed books E-books Checkout Thank you for the order! We will contact you to confirm and pay for the order. При отправке формы иногда могут возникать перебои. Если у Вас не проходит заказ через форму, напишите пожалуйста на е-мейл . Или подождите. Быть может, мы уже получили Ваш заказ и в скором времени свяжемся с Вами.

  • Brotherhood. Supermundane Abode | Zinovya Dushkova

    HOME Z. V. DUSHKOVA BIOGRAPHY ARTICLES FROM THE AUTHOR BOOKS Books in RU Books in EN, DE, FR, ES Audiobooks Buy books in Russia Buy books in Ukraine REVIEWS GALLERY PHOTO GALLERY VIDEO Brotherhood. Supermundane Abode printed book in Ru s s ian (Not available) Order The book «Brotherhood. Supermundane Abode» is given to mankind by the Great Teachers of Wisdom of the East in continuation of the book «Brotherhood. Supermundane», which was written by Elena Roerich in 1937-38. The new book «Supermundane Abode» is a spiritual bridge, carrying the reader from the Teaching of Living Ethics to the new century - to the Teaching of the Heart, written by Zinovia Dushkova. ​ Two books «Brotherhood. Supermundane» and «Brotherhood. Supermundane Abode» together with the book of the third «Brotherhood. The Abode of Fire», which entered the Teaching of the Heart, is a whole trilogy. ​ «Brotherhood. Supermundane Abode» is the final chord to the Teaching bestowed upon Humanity in the passing century, and the Proclamation of the beginning of the New Cycle, which is already being poured upon Earth by the Fiery Stream. ​ Read the fragment of... Content FOREWORD-APPEAL Part one Part two Part Three Reviews That summer, my sister and I were resting at a dacha by the sea. The weather had not yet settled, and we spent most of our time reading. We read aloud Brotherhood. Elevated Abode" by Zinovia Vasilievna Dushkova. We read every free minute, as soon as one of us could open a book. ​ From the first lines, the book aroused amazing confidence, it poured into our hearts like a pure stream. We often interrupted the reading with reflections. We rejoiced, we simply recognized ourselves on the pages of the book, our steps, our mistakes. But we were glad that we had already taken this wrong step, and we had already made this mistake, which means that they are already in the past and this part of the path has already been passed. ​ The book instilled in us an amazing optimism, filled us with a sense of inspiration. We turned the pages, and some of them were our past, and most of the others determined our future. ​ A builder lived with us at the dacha, who completed the construction of the premises. We were in front of each other, as if in the palm of your hand. Later, he asked his sister's husband: "What religion do your women follow, what did they read and laugh all the time?" and the husband answered: “Once they rejoiced, it means the Religion of Joy.” ​ Tatyana Krivda Kherson, Ukraine Subscribe to newsletter to receive messages directly from Zinovia Vasilievna Dushkova Email Subscribe Thanks for subscribing!

  • Song | Zinovya Dushkova

    HOME Z. V. DUSHKOVA BIOGRAPHY ARTICLES FROM THE AUTHOR BOOKS Books in RU Books in EN, DE, FR, ES Audiobooks Buy books in Russia Buy books in Ukraine REVIEWS GALLERY PHOTO GALLERY VIDEO Song eBook 3, 9 5$ The song of the Human Heart, ascending the stages of cognition of Life through pain, suffering and the triumph of the note of All–Wise Love, sounds in every line. The language of the soul is one, and the mystery of the loving heart is subject to the same Cosmic Laws. Contents Part I. Words of meditation Celebration I see Me friends I hear the Sky I know Thoughts of the weather Believe it is nice It’s raining What to write? To dree Disturbance With a smile Establishment Perhaps be night? Somewhere Suppose Suggest Represent Thought about thought Sins Surprise Loveable My Teacher Prepare Gloom Hammer Horizon Eventide Principles Noon Illumination ​ Part II. Blank verse Magnetic Cloud-drift Choice Careful Inside Probably Humaneness Bird Key Child Problem Wise About the book Song Advice Mistake Joy Weal Stars Living fire Open eyes Morning Mountains Music Rainbow Flower Sacred Peace Teaching Love ​ Part III. Song of the soul I Am Sunrise Endurance Kind Learning to Fly Fair Wind The Big Tone Verse Alight Heart Sunset Rising Weather Gloom Poetry River Primary Feeling Floret Flow Garden Melody People God is Love Lovesick Mission Glory Gray hair Binding thread New Flight Difficulty Silent Voice ​ Part IV. Proverbs What cannot be cured must be endured The chain is no stronger, than its weakest link History repeats itself Never say never While there is life, there is hope Tastes differ You can take a horse to the water, but you cannot make it drink Better late, than never Extremes meet A tree is known by its fruit An idle brain is the devil’s workshop There is no place like home False friends are worse, than open enemies Many men, many minds no two minds think alike Appearances are deceptive All is well, that ends well Second thoughts are best No cross, no crown Morning Sun never lasts the day A man is known by the company he keeps A man candie but once Burden of one’s choice is not felt Man proposes, God disposes If you cannot have the best, make the best of what you have It is the first step that counts Fortune favours the brave The end crowns the work Live and learn To lie on the bed one has made Proverb ​ Part V. Prayer for the Earth Part I Outline. Preface Song of heroes Superman The last man Prayer for the Earth Prayer of the Chalice Part II Nightly song The Last Supper Ave Maria The Virgin Odigitria The child is calling Epilogue. The sign. Part VI. Mystery of Love I. Prelude II. Prayer III. Season Autumn Winter Spring Summer IV. Waiting V. Dreams VI. Conclusion ​ Part VII. To music is dedicated I. Dedicated to music Johann Sebastian Bach Richard Wagner George Frederic Hendel Christoph Willibald Gluck Edward Grieg Franz List Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Giovanni Battista Pergolesi Aleksander Nikolaevich Scriabin Robert Schumann Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky II. Conclusion ​ Part VIII. The Heavenly Pearls of Russia I. The Day of Justification II. Light of the Morning Star III. Heroic realism ​ Part IX. Prophecy I. John the Baptist II. Jesus Christ III. Holy Preaching IV. Revelation V. The prophecy VI. Hallelujah! Part X. Hymn to the Light I. Imminent Light II. Dawn III. Morning IV. Day V. Noon VI. Hymn to the Light Believe it is nice Believe I every time is nice, But do not every day see best. Where is this place, when can see I The beautiful and clear sky? I can wait for a lot of time, When go and live on the earth mine. I am meeting everywhere the day With hope: now must be fair. If there is life, must live it in hope, And never lose I the bright dream and thoughts. It helps me so much in my life, I’m thankful, — they are very fine. Believe I in you, clear dear sky, I know, only you can my Thoughts carry away from here, — I need them, am happy and hope fully eager. Sometimes you answer me at once And promise life the best. The wings Abandon me, — now is going the time, A lot of troubles don’t let me find. I must believe all the time, Keep hope only in the sky, — Sun shining giving fortune nice! Establishment How many words are negative, Are plural and infinitive. But so few words mean fine, And we can see their clear shine. Establishment has everyone But where is the first born? In the night Were born dark words. And morning star Is the mother of shining words. Too far Were born they, but look about — and face They live together. What is the case Where are living they? — It is the man Whose lingual slang is bad. They Talking are so fell now. Are often they forgetting how Must speak. Somebody else does know Lot of beautiful words. Make show With letters and with words, but why? Establishment must be all fine. And every phrase will be so fine writing And every sentence will be shining. Who’ll have cleansed his and have forbidden Himself to spell bad ones. So needful Is to establish wonderful words for people. Surprise Surprised every day in my life! What a lot it has for me of surprise? I am not tired ever, every thing Represents unexpected. I wince! — What prepares for future the time, What has it to astonish the mind. Prepared life has me for anything! I’m hope, can get to win. Let me be friendly with herself, And don’t have the thoughts so sad: Accommodation is here for everyone, — They all want calmness all the time. Someone is afraid to get a new problem, — What is the life, if it has nothing. The life is first of all, the best surprise, And full of astonishing things. Who wants to be living, must be ready First thing to face problem with the mind so pretty. Then maybe will smile the fortune And happiness will come soon. Surprise sometime is very good, And has a lot of lovely fruit. I’ll wait for surprise, with hope, look! If you cannot have the best, make the best of what you have 1. We always have to depend upon circumstances in life, And not always are they very fine. We hope to get something good, but it Slips away, and do suffer a sudden hit. 2. Very difficult it is to hold on to the fine good luck But we must try, if do not want to be aside flung. Fine circumstances move in very slowly, They come very seldom, and often not in the garb holy. 3. Of course, when gets from high up the strength someone, He gets the best possibility in life. Consideration of the problem is important for man, Because touch upon a question of his life it can. 4. Man always wants to be ahead of the course of events, And look inside, how the heart is ticking minutes, To the long–awaited happiness. And all will be fine, If does function properly his life. 5. It’s very well, when wishes of man coincide With the possibility, it’s the happy find. But often all is quite contrary to the expected, It is unfortunate, but must decide well for the happy end. 6. In the dark place, where has left us the lucky light, We may, if we want, happily find. As after the campfire the sparks we see, — Flying around bright from the smouldering fire. 7. If there is need of fire, we may light it up fine, And the flame again rising from the campfire alight. Also are people carrying many–many sparks, Covered by gray ashes, where is left the mark. 8. This mark of sacred fire, which lives inside, It is sent from the realm Divine, when is born the child. It is very light to carry along the path of life, And people must hold it carefully inside. 9. If the flame is suddenly gone and there is no light, We must in the ashes a little spark soon find. Enough is just a single spark, be it a tiny one, To light up the soul with beauty and shine. 10. The spark can light up even the death, It lives in the soul, till does live the faith. Therefore we must remember, what may us save, If can’t have the best, make best of what you have! It is the first step that counts 1. First step always is very difficult in life, We often see how it is taken by a small child. It stumbles and falls and then again Repeats the effort of the step to take. 2. Same way in different spheres we always decide To take the step, which is first to come in the mind. And we sometimes cross over to the side, Where we never even thought to be in our short life. 3. Before the first step is really taken, We do some analysing in the mind. Is very difficult in life, of course, In our thoughts to go across ourselves. 4. If does want someone to choose the step fine, He must the better thoughts keep in mind, Then he cannot go over to the bad. Without a fight gain his choice he never can. 5. Very long may be the fight inside, When are colliding the forces of darkness and light. And who will come to win, know not we, It may be the light, or the darkness may be. 6. If victory is snatched by the darkness, And one is entangled in the cobweb, Very difficult it would be for us to get away, And find the lighted side in the thorny way. 7. Darkness never lets us reach the clear space, Therefore we must know where to find the pure face. Along with one we go willingly in life, It is very difficult to cross over to the other side. 8. At the time, when holy light is alive in the soul, We must hold well the fate and be thankful To that light which always saves us in life, Goodwill may guard us against the step in the dark night. 9. Like a little child we go along the life path, And everyday face things unknown to us. And must take the step quite novel In the field invisible, entering afresh the soul. 10. If we take the first step within ourselves, Also in life we do so very fast in fact. But so as right to be, man must know his lot, — It is the first step that counts! VI. Hymn to the Light 1. Great fiery gold of the luminary Comes to the crown! And shine is now So charming, beautiful and fine, And worthy of all the best words to define. 2. The high luminary had brought to light the God For all alive, who keep the thoughts Of the Lightful and the future day! For the souls, the hearts, it shows the way! 3. My dear Fire! — Beauty your Is wonderful, magical hot, It is marvelous and can Light up the human heart and the soul. 4. Light is very beautiful and does shine, It is covering all things in life. So that it is everywhere seen, How the good gift our Earth does keep. 5. All gifts are from the Light it does For our happiness send to us. The human feelings have need of the Light, Because it brings for the people life, 6. Because the Light shows the Path For the people, to come to the stars. O Fiery, Divine Lightful sphere, You sent for us too much from there 7. Good pearls for the eager mind! Your Divine Mysterious Light Always is coming down to the Earth, And calls all people to the starry place. 8. The Light! The Light is coming everywhere And sends its messengers where Is waiting the Fire in the place, Then always is a cause to celebrate. 9. Then, where is waiting in the clothes white The God’s luminary with bright, Magical power on the Earth, There is now the feast very great. 10. When comes the holiday in life, All living celebrate it in a manner nice. And all glorify the Almighty God, Who sent for people the happy lot! 11. Great God, Your Love is everywhere! The thankful to You fly from here. For You the Light had composed hymn Your Earthly children! Came to win 12. Long–long ago the Divine Light To our planet little! To fight It was coming to the Earth, was sent By the Gods of the Fiery World, gave 13. They the sacred gift to the earthly people, So that they have the rescue needed. This flame had saved the little planet. Had won for itself the triumph fiery, 14. The High Divine Light down here In all the gloomy vales of life. The praise human do take from our hearts, Dear Fire! Now as guards 15. Are standing the people and saving the Light, So that is the planet Holy, bright, Good happy shining, they very much want, For ever to be preserved the Sunny shine by God. 16. All the people together side by side Sing the song of praise for the Light! Are glorifying Heavens of God, For sending to the man high human best thought. 17. Light is the Holy Savior our, It is the Great Master around Who is adorning all on the Earth. The Light is our God’s face, 18. Holy image, who sets an example For all people to come to the Fire. The Light is the donor of happy life, The grantor of the Holy Love! 19. It is absorbed by the loving feeling For all things on the Earth, around is seen, How much is Loving the Sun all the nature! And can be seen its shine in the distant future. 20. How long are waiting the people for the shine Of Sunny rays! In the open mind They took the best idea, — Saint, — Must all people be turned to the Light! 21. Bright Light is sacred mystery, It is awaking better feeling In the hearts of people! And inside, They are feeling Love of very many kinds! 22. It is love for the children fine. It is for dear man, or love For the floret some, or the grass, Or the snow white, or the cloud light. 23. We can’t innumerate them all, The love is like the soul’s warmth! We only can feel around the point plus How much all Nature does love us. 24. How the flower is giving aroma, How the tender wind is caressing man, How the little cloud sends its love, And puts bright hope how into the heart. 25. You see, how even the silent stone Is full of love, has absorbed all Great Love on Earth, and Holy Joy Is living everywhere. Heat 26. Of the Sun is coming down for people To melt the last ice in the feeling, So that they get warm kindness inside, And celebrate the joy brought by the Light. 27. O dear spheres of the High Most, You came and did win, conquered the frost. And now are showing your power For all alive to see in the Space! The sound 28. Of your victory is resounding always In the human hearts! Immense Space For Light composed the triumphal hymn, It is praising the Light! We live amid 29. All the Cosmic rays of the boundless worlds. The people carry the banner among the rays, Which come from all the planets here. Hold fast the Banner of Light. Let’s keep streaming 30. This symbol of good peace and Love Among mysterious, innocent Cosmic heights! Let live! Forever keep in mind, Only the Fire brings for people the Light! 31. We all together are feeling joy. The Sunny rays are creating all The best qualities in the human heart, And lets flow the shine from within outside. 32. We all are children of the immense space. We are the sisters, the brothers on the little Earth. And can together build the best life By the higher help of the Divine Light. 33. We are the children of one Father, And we have one common Mother. We all have the Divine hearts inside, Which can radiate always the Light! 34. My dear friends in boundless space, The kind people send for you the best rays From the tender souls, — take them in, Earthly inhabitants are eager to build 35. Bright Brotherhood in the Cosmic free home. So as to live all together, as if there is only one soul, It is like one large great Golden Heart, Which is beating in God’s inside! 36. Rise, higher hymn from the earth to the sky, And call all living to the best new life! My dear Light, my Divine Luminary, Thank you for your charming Fire. 37. Thank you for tender warmth and love Your great and beautiful, for the heat Of the Golden Heart your. Praise and glory For your Divine patience Holy... 38. All best silent words from the heart, Take the Golden Fire in your stride. The earthly low kneeling from the man, Take you the starry Space–world. The people can 39. Be worthy of the Higher Light, At long last they have opened the mind To the call of Cosmic space. The man Wants be like the God, — the Creator Great. 40. As the thunder is resounding in space The people are awaking and building the Earth. In accordance with the God’s Law — the Love Holy, Soon will be Noon of the triumphant Light! Subscribe to newsletter to receive messages directly from Zinovia Vasilievna Dushkova Email Subscribe Thanks for subscribing!

  • Gospel of Sophia - Power and Wisdom of God | Zinovya Dushkova

    HOME Z. V. DUSHKOVA BIOGRAPHY ARTICLES FROM THE AUTHOR BOOKS Books in RU Books in EN, DE, FR, ES Audiobooks Buy books in Russia Buy books in Ukraine REVIEWS GALLERY PHOTO GALLERY VIDEO Gospel of Sophia - Power and Wisdom of God printed book in Ru s sian Order Sophia is the eternally incomprehensible Mystery of the Cosmos. The time of Wisdom has come and Sophia reveals the path of her advancement to the earthly spheres. The narrative touches on the mystery of the Coming of the First and proclaims the Mystery of the Coming of the Second. Content Foreword Chapter I Chapter II Chapter III Chapter IV Chapter V Chapter VI Chapter VII Chapter VIII Chapter IX Chapter X Chapter XI Chapter XII Chapter XIII Chapter XIV Chapter XV Chapter XVI Chapter XVII Chapter XVIII Chapter XIX Chapter XX Chapter XXI Chapter XXII Chapter XXIII Chapter XXIV Chapter XXV Chapter XXVI Chapter XXVII Глава I ​ Из глубин Эонов шагнувшая повествует о богоизбранности народов, внимающих Слову Господа Бога Всемудрого. Непригляден Эон, в котором проливается Чаша Огня Божественного, да не о достоинстве, но о целесообразности речь идёт. Повествование, Словом Всемудрости Божественной полнящееся, пусть послужит подспорьем душам праведным, к Истоку Истины потянувшимся. Всеглаголие Божие наводняет мир, от Альфы до Омеги вскрывая Путь продвижения Духа Огненного. Пистис София размыкает уста, срывая печать Тайны Второй, что за пределами Первой скрыта, сложенной Двадцатью Четырьмя тайнами. Своевольный преследует Софию, но Любовь Всемудрая есть Щит её Пламенный, которым защитит она не только Себя, но и каждое сердце, воистину любящее. До Тринадцатого Эона преследователи дошли, изгоняя Силу Премудрости Божией, но, столкнувшись с Мощью Любви возросшей, опалили крылья духа собственного. О Любви Любовь повествует, устами Софии глаголя Истину, что животворила все родники Духа её Всемудрого. О гонители мои! Отчего меня преследовали вы века долгие, увлекаясь Стопами моими вплоть до Эона Тринадцатого, где познала я разделение с Духом-Утешителем моим?! Царь Духа моего Воссел на Престоле более Высоком и Воззвал ко мне из глубин Эонов, протягивая в помощь Руку, и Дал мне возможность взойти выше Высшего, опираясь на Руку Его. Повернёте ли назад или последуете выше, о Демоны сфер, представляющих Гиль плотный? Откуда вам знать, куда приведут Стопы Мои?! Но вы спешите ввысь, увлекаясь духом преследования той, которая одарила вас частицею Силы Сизигия собственного. О, вам трудно понять то, что заставляет вас изгонять из сфер своих Силу Премудрости Божественной! Любовью окутанные миры ваши и сами начинают отторгать Демонов и Демиургов собственных, когда духом Новизны начинают полниться, если их Сизигии не успевают войти в ритм вибраций обновлённых. Три Аминь сложились Единством, опору давая Премудрости Божией, но Своевольный желает разбить их, испытуя Силу свойства, их скрепляющего. Не стон, не вопль отчаяния, но Слово Благодарения слетает с уст Софии, Оком Всемудрости прозревающей всю тайную цель тех, кто преследует её ныне. Сила Любви Христовой испытана быть должна, прежде чем Христос явит отпечаток Следа Своего, погружаясь в Гиль. Идёт Своевольный по Миру, мечом разделяющим отсекая зёрна от плевел. Судит ли он гонителей и милует ли гонимых, — о том лишь Господь Бог наш ведает. Они перешли черту Огненную, не заметив последней линии, разделяющей два мира и два лагеря, печатью Света и Тьмы отмеченные. Назад не пройти, ибо все мосты сожжены, но впереди — Огонь больший. Но, не оглядываясь в прошлое, устремляются вослед Стопам Софии те, кто Силою притяжения магнетического не имеет желания отступить от цели тайной, руководящей всеми помыслами как светлыми, так и затуманенными покровами тайными. Пистис София от Первого Эона до Двадцать Седьмого проложила Мост Огненный, через мириады сфер протягивая Луч Единый, токами Всемудрости Божественной полнящийся, по которому всяк возжаждавший дойти к Истоку Истины может подниматься Эоны долгие, опираясь на Руку Водящую. За пределами Тайны Первой скрыта Тайна Вторая, которая Двадцатью Семью ступенями слагается. Они и вскроют Три Аминь, трижды по Девять явленные. Силы всех Эонов Двенадцати будут покрыты Силою Любви Эона Тринадцатого, из которого низошла София в Час Пришествия Сизигия её из Тайны Первой. Reviews Terre du Ciel magazine. Review of "L'Évangile de Sophie la Force et la Sagesse de Dieu" (French edition of "The Gospel of Sophia - the Power and Wisdom of God") Zinovia Dushkova is a well-known Russian author of more than forty literary and musical works. The Gospel she wrote is an unusual, puzzling, and therefore inspiring book. Twenty-seven chapters, each of which includes twenty-seven stanzas (we note in passing the symbolism of the factors of the number 108), represent a consistent chain of apophtegms, set out in a poetic and at the same time, undoubtedly, esoteric style. The essentially Christian narrative seeks forms of expression in the Greek and Hindu traditions. ​ “The time of Wisdom has come,” the preface says, “and blessed be the Spirit who removes the seal of silence from his mouth.” We are talking about an attempt to tell about the unspeakable, and therefore about what is beyond the visible correlates with the Eternal Truth, with cosmogony and eschatology. In other words, in this area, the human word immediately runs into its own limits and must resort to symbols, poetry, parables and myths, to all the means through which attempts were made to express the world and Being, going beyond the limits of reason. “... With great patience and humility, the heart carries out the Fiery service, despite the ardent attacks of the all-denying mind,” says Sophia. ​ To comprehend the Gospel of Sophia means to agree to penetrate the mystery, knowing that only brief flashes can be extracted from it, however, capable of illuminating a moment in the darkness of feelings with a glow. Sophia has always walked beside the Lord. She is the female manifestation of His essence, she is the one without whom nothing could have happened, the one who, out of Love, agreed to part with the Beloved. Thus, the Creation could take place. But now the time has come for Unity. Sophia tells us about tender Love, about suffering, which is necessary, however, from separation; about the painful process of returning to the Self. She is compassion, understanding, truth and justice. She infinitely loves the Creation, which became possible due to her separation from the Beloved. But she loves her Heavenly Spouse even more passionately: “And I know that by the purity of Love shown to your enemies, you experience the measure of heartfelt Love, therefore I openly show my Love for the Self-willed One in the name of Your Love, O my Beloved Spouse” . Only Sophia is able to reach such a level of Love, for she alone knows perfectly well that everything should have been the way it was. ​ It is necessary to indulge in the refined style of Zinovia Dushkova, to abandon attempts to understand and sort out at the expense of one's own knowledge what is being discussed here. Then each stanza can be read separately, contemplated, savored. Thus, new juice will be obtained from it, capable of drinking our everyday life, because "Everything is said for the human mind, but the story addressed to the heart is just beginning." ​ Ann Grossouvre Magazine "Terre du Ciel", 68, 2004 France ​ ​ Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University. Review of "The Gospel of Sophia - the Power and Wisdom of God" ​ "The Gospel of Sophia - the Power and Wisdom of God", of course, is not just a fiction or journalistic book. Undoubtedly, this is what belongs to the category of those precious treasures that people call sacred. The "Word" written on the pages of the Gospel of Sophia is "destined for Humanity." Like any sacred text, it is clothed, given the varying degree of perception of different people, in the form of symbols. Comprehension of the meaning of symbols, or the Language of Wisdom, requires taking into account its very important feature: one cannot literally understand what “has seven levels of presentation hidden behind the simplicity of the word ...”, and therefore not strive to “immediately embrace what lies beyond the line of Timelessness”. , with only one facet being available for contemplation" of ours. The language of Wisdom, the Gospel tells us, “is destined for the heart, the only one capable of penetrating into the mystery of the uttered Revelations,” and “what is incomprehensible today will be revealed tomorrow in all the splendor of the radiance of the rainbow,” if the Fiery thought of the all-wise is sufficiently assimilated. ​ The Gospel of Sophia is the “Gospel of Love, the Gospel of Love”, and therefore, composed with great Love in the name of Love, it is permeated with the currents of Love. It does not contain the knowledge that our mind always so eagerly seeks. Love, the Divine Fire, the Fire of a special sounding frequency, slips and burns the mind, which is incapable of assimilation of fiery food, since this great gift is meant to be food for the heart. ​ "The Gospel of Sophia - the Power and Wisdom of God" is given to mankind both as a warning and as a Helping Hand. Everything in the world is permeated with Divine currents. And “The Light of the Wisdom of God, multiplied in the world, willy-nilly leads to the need to breathe life-giving Fires... The circle outlined by the Earthly plan sharply narrows, and around it boils and seethes the Ocean of Divine Fire spreading in breadth... The whole Cosmos is saturated with the Spirit of Novelty.” “The Fire of Love does not know its own currents equal in Strength,” and nothing in the world can help a person if he is this Saving Flame - he rejects and does not learn to breathe it. “And in order to breathe the Divine Flame, one should have an open heart. But the soul that clings to the Word of the Most Pure One, speaking in the Name of the Son of God, will be able to open it with all measure. ​ "Knowledge leads to death if used to the detriment of the interests of the world around." Besides, knowledge and Wisdom are not the same thing. Knowledge is the lot of the mind, Wisdom is the heart. And today, more than ever, we are witnessing the fact that "the human mind has filled all the surrounding spheres with a note of destruction." A “The note of Creation,” Sophia opens, “will be affirmed only when the human consciousness will have support on the heart.” Everything in the Cosmos has its own deadlines, and a Homo sapiens must give way to a Man of Heart. ​ The Great Mother of the World herself calls Her children, proclaiming the Word of Truth through the mouth of Sophia and giving an excellent opportunity to ascend above the highest to the Sources of Divine Wisdom, for "Divine Wisdom is the goal of advancing every good soul." ​ Sophia's mystery remains unsolved for centuries. Yes, we have little turned our gaze towards the Wisdom of God. However, everything has its time. And today, Sophia herself has given us the opportunity to open the secret: “I lay the key invisible to the eye in front of everyone’s heart, and if the spirit of quest is mighty, let it open the Gates of all my Secrets and dig the Holy Soils - the roots go deep, it’s not easy to immediately manifest them into the Light, but still be able to reveal the essence. ​ We can only bow in great gratitude to Zinovia Vasilievna Dushkova for the Sacred Labor of her Fiery Heart, by which we are the only one alive today, and strive with all our hearts along the path that she selflessly paves into the starry heights! Touching this High Word of Truth gives birth in the heart only joy, endless gratitude and gratitude: In the stream of heavenly light You stand, Holy of Holies, Covering with a veil of love All cosmos, spheres, worlds!.. ​ Wisdom and Power of God! Sofia! Soul of Christ! In the Glory of the Lights of Heaven Came to the human world! ​ Flashing like a star of the East, You rise like a purple dawn, All-wise currents generously Pour into thirsty hearts. ​ Glory to Thee, Mother of the World, Sophia descended into the world! Your Light, the Wise One, is eternal! Your Spirit is invincible! Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Pedagogy, doctoral student of the Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University R.A. Paroshina Subscribe to newsletter to receive messages directly from Zinovia Vasilievna Dushkova Email Subscribe Thanks for subscribing!

  • Песнь - Song | Zinovya Dushkova

    HOME Z. V. DUSHKOVA BIOGRAPHY ARTICLES FROM THE AUTHOR BOOKS Books in RU Books in EN, DE, FR, ES Audiobooks Buy books in Russia Buy books in Ukraine REVIEWS GALLERY PHOTO GALLERY VIDEO Песнь - Song printed book 65 0 rub. (i n Russian and English) Order The song of the Human Heart, ascending the stages of cognition of Life through pain, suffering and the triumph of the note of All-Wise Love sounds in every line. The language of the soul is one. And despite the fact that two languages are intertwined in the book - English and Russian, the poetry of prose knows no boundaries, for the mystery of the loving heart is subject to the uniform Cosmic Laws. Content Part I. Words of meditation Celebration I see My friends I hear the Sky I know Thoughts of the weather Believe it is nice It’s raining What to write? To dree Disturbance With a smile Establishment Perhaps be night? Somewhere… Suppose Suggest Represent Thought about thought Sins Surprise Loveable My Teacher Prepare Gloom Hammer Horizon Eventide Principles Noon Illumination ​ Part II. Blank verse Magnetic Cloud-drift Choice Careful Inside Probably Humaneness Bird Key Child Problem Wise About the book Song Advice Mistake Joy Weal Stars Living fire Open eyes Morning Mountains Music Rainbow Flower Sacred Peace Teaching Love ​ Часть III. Песнь души Part III. Song of the soul Я — рассвет! I Am Sunrise Терпение Endurance Добрый Kind Подготовка к полёту Learning to Fly Попутный Fair Wind Высокий тон The Big Tone Стих Verse Пылающее сердце Alight Heart Закат Sunset Восходящий Rising Погода Weather Мрак Gloom Поэзия Poetry Река River Важнейшее Primary Чувствование Feeling Цветочек Floret Течение Flow Сад Garden Мелодия Melody Люди People Бог есть Любовь God is Love Томящийся от любви Lovesick Миссия Mission Слава Glory Седина Gray hair Связующая нить Binding thread Новый полёт New Flight Затруднение Difficulty Голос Безмолвия Silent Voice ​ Часть IV. Пословицы Part IV. Proverbs Что нельзя исправить, то следует терпеть What cannot be cured must be endured Цепь не крепче своего самого слабого звена The chain is no stronger, than its weakest link История себя повторяет History repeats itself Никогда не говори “никогда” Never say never Пока есть жизнь, есть надежда While there is life, there is hope Вкусы отличаются Tastes differ Вы можете подвести лошадь к воде, но не можете заставить её пить You can take a horse to the water, but you cannot make it drink Лучше поздно, чем никогда Better late, than never Крайности сходятся Extremes meet Дерево узнаётся по его плодам A tree is known by its fruit Праздность ума — мать всех пороков An idle brain is the devil’s workshop В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше There is no place like home Фальшивые друзья хуже, чем открытые враги False friends are worse, than open enemies Сколько голов, столько умов Many men, many minds no two minds think alike Не всё то золото, что блестит Appearances are deceptive Всё хорошо, что хорошо кончается All is well, that ends well Семь раз отмерь, один — отрежь Second thoughts are best Нет труда, нет плода No cross, no crown Ничто не вечно под Луной Morning Sun never lasts the day Скажи мне, кто твой друг, и я скажу, кто ты A man is known by the company he keeps Двум смертям не бывать, а одной — не миновать A man can die but once Своя ноша не тянет Burden of one’s choice is not felt Человек предполагает, а Бог располагает Man proposes, God disposes Если не имеешь лучшего, используй наилучшим образом то, что имеешь If you cannot have the best, make the best of what you have Труден только первый шаг It is the first step that counts Смелость города берёт Fortune favours the brave Конец венчает дело The end crowns the work Век живи, век учись Live and learn Что посеешь, то и пожнёшь To lie on the bed one has made Пословица Proverb ​ Part V. Prayer for the Earth Part I 1. Outline. Preface 2. Song of heroes 3. Superman 4. The last man 5. Prayer for the Earth 6. Prayer of the Chalice Part II 1. Nightly song 2. The Last Supper 3. Ave Maria 4. The Virgin Odigitria 5. The child is calling 6. Epilogue. The sign ​ Part VI. Mystery of Love I. Prelude II. Prayer III. Season 1. Autumn 2. Winter 3. Spring 4. Summer IV. Waiting V. Dreams VI. Conclusion ​ Part VII. To music is dedicated I. Dedicated to music 1. Johann Sebastian Bach 2. Ludwig Van Beethoven 3. Richard Wagner 4. George Frederic Hendel 5. Christoph Willibald Gluck 6. Edward Grieg 7. Franz List 8. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 9. Giovanni Battista Pergolesi 10. Aleksander Nikolaevich Scriabin 11. Robert Schumann 12. Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky II. Conclusion ​ Part VIII. The Heavenly Pearls of Russia I. The Day of Justification II. Light of the Morning Star III. Heroic realism ​ Part IX. Prophecy I. John the Baptist II. Jesus Christ III. Holy Preaching IV. Revelation V. The prophecy VI. Hallelujah! ​ Part X. Hymn to the Light I. Imminent Light II. Dawn III. Morning IV. Day V. Noon VI. Hymn to the Light Я — рассвет! 1. Сегодня первый день весны, когда Надежда воскресает и душа Всё лучшее в себя вбирает. Кодекс славный Весна приносит людям с Солнцем ранним. 2. Я знаю, будет лучше в час рассвета Вниманье обратить на круг из света. И в душу мысль принять, которая светла, Что в будущем напомнит знак Огня. 3. Какими в жизни люди быть должны: Терпеньем, добротой, сердечностью полны. Как Солнце в высоте, быть выше всех проблем, Всегда нести тепло сердцам людей. 4. Мы временами зрим огонь священный, Но почему не можем взять пример отменный? Зажечься утром, будто Солнце дорогое, И источать лучи, что полны красотою. 5. Пусть луч один свет нежности несёт, Другой — сердечное тепло, а тот Восторг мечты всем может подарить, А остальные явят счастие любить. 6. Как можем вместе жить мы на Земле, Когда друг другу принесли столь мрачных дел? И лишь один прекрасный выход есть для нас: Пусть каждый скажет: “Я — рассвет для вас!” I Am Sunrise 1. Today is the first day of spring, when hope Arises and brings for the soul All the betterment. Nature’s law is fine Bringing for the people spring and sunny shine. 2. I know it would be better at the sunrise time Carefully to look around under the shining sun And put in the soul some thought bright, To remind in future of the fire sign. 3. What must the people be in life: Tolerant, kindly, with open heart. Like sun so high, above all the problems, For ever giving warmth to other souls. 4. From time to time we can see sacred fire, But why can’t we follow the example, which is up higher? In early morning light up, like dear sun, And give off beams, which make the beauty shine. 5. One beam will carry tender light, Another can bring warm heart. Some other kind may give joyful dream, And the rest must love happy bring. 6. How can we live on earth together, With so many dark deeds to each other? There is only one fine way for us, — Let everyone say: “For you — I’m sunrise!” Терпение 1. Огонь Cвященный мой — Бог Всемогущий! Тебе все мысли шлю я, что получше. Благодарение моё летит в небес голубизну, Но где ж Твой Дом? Не вижу почему? 2. Но отчего же Ты, мой Бог, незрим глазами, Хочу увидеть я, но всё вокруг в тумане. Я знаю, Всемогущий, что живёшь Ты высоко, Свободно полететь к Тебе научит кто? 3. Яви учителя, который знает, как Бескрылые должны уметь взлетать. Который сможет научить, как жить обязан В священных чувствах наш землянин. 4. Так можем мы искать, что превосходно так, И находить во дни и ночи Божий знак: То, может, Солнца в ясный день поверхность Иль много звёзд в ночи Божественная верность! 5. Нуждается весь мир в учителе правдивом, Ты посылал его, пришлёшь к нам снова Сына. Я чувствую всегда Твою Любовь, тепло, Что излучаешь. Так прекрасно всё! 6. Мой Бог, я не прошу нисколько для себя, Подарен мне свет звёзд и Солнца красота. И лишь одно — терпенье может указать Путь к Божьему жилищу отыскать! Endurance 1. My sacred fire, — Almighty God! For You I send my better thoughts. My thankful message does fly in the sky, Where is Your Holy Home? Don’t I see why? 2. Why are You invisible, my dear God? I want to see, but all around is fog. I know, Almighty, You live in the heaven high, Who’ll teach me to freely fly? 3. Give me some Teacher, who knows how We can without wings fly higher. Who’ll teach us, how must we live And on our earth do piety feel. 4. How hard do we look for the best in life And find God’s marks in day and night. It may be sun in clear day, Or many stars in night. God’s way! 5. All people need the faithful Teacher, You sent in the past, will send in future! Do feel the warmth and love always, Which kindly You send. It’s the best! 6. I don’t ask You for anything, my God. The shining sun and stars have I got. But grant me endurance You can Help me seek the way to God’s place then! Subscribe to newsletter to receive messages directly from Zinovia Vasilievna Dushkova Email Subscribe Thanks for subscribing!

  • Is sickness a visitation from the Lord? | Zinovya Dushkova

    HOME Z. V. DUSHKOVA BIOGRAPHY ARTICLES FROM THE AUTHOR BOOKS Books in RU Books in EN, DE, FR, ES Audiobooks Buy books in Russia Buy books in Ukraine REVIEWS GALLERY PHOTO GALLERY VIDEO < To the list of articles Is sickness a visitation from the Lord? Is sickness always a visitation from the Lord? Yes and no! It all depends on who you need to visit, and most importantly - what is the cause of the disease. From ancient sources it is known that there are three types of diseases: sacred, karmic and admitted. As a rule, the Lord visits those whose illness is classified as sacred. But this does not always happen - the rule has its exceptions. Karmic illnesses, on the other hand, involve the repayment of debts by fifty-one percent in order to have the right to the Protection of the Higher Forces, as a result of which a person can count on a visit from the Lord. Well, if the disease was admitted as a result of the pernicious deeds of a person prone to alcoholism, indulging his baser instincts and leading a life being in slavery to his pernicious habits, did he not deprive himself of the right to visit the Lord? .. ​ How many of them were revealed - seekers of eternal life, compilers of the elixir of immortality, inventors of new devices, medicines and vaccines, which many scientists tested on themselves, enriching science at the cost of their own lives! The search was conducted by healers of ancient times, alchemists of the Middle Ages and, finally, scientists of the last century, advancing the stages of Evolution, which ultimately led to a decrease in diseases and an increase in the duration of human life. So, a serious step from elementary bloodletting towards blood transfusion was made by our compatriot Alexander Bogdanov, who, back in the twenties of the twentieth century, had the goal of uniting all sciences together and tried to invent his own discipline - “tectology”. Wanting to achieve eternal youth, he began experiments with blood, he even managed to convince Joseph Stalin to create the Institute of Blood Transfusion. Bogdanov himself underwent 11 transfusions, after which his eyesight improved, baldness stopped, that is, we can say that there were signs of rejuvenation, but after he poured the blood of his student with malaria and tuberculosis into himself, the scientist died. And who does not know Marie Curie, the only woman - the owner of two Nobel Prizes, who coined the term radiology and became famous for her experiments in this field! She died of leukemia, and here the question arises: could not she be honored to visit the Lord?! And should not God have bypassed the deathbed of the chemical engineer Thomas Midgley, Jr., the consequences of whose inventions the world will decide before the end of our century. His deadly inventions - chemical anti-knock agents, in particular tetraethyl lead, contributed to the poisoning of three generations of children, increased the risk of skin cancer, etc. And did he suffer karmic retribution when he fell ill with polio and died at the age of 55, entangled in the ropes of his own devices, being suffocated by a system of blocks and ropes that he invented so that they could lift him out of bed, but they not only chained him, but also killed him ... ​ A great variety of devices, both for life extension and for its reduction, have been invented by mankind, and all of them have been actively used for many centuries. The Higher Powers have repeatedly given schemes of devices, which, unfortunately, have remained in the Repository of the unused possibilities of mankind. Is it like a cemetery, or with the expiration of time, one of our contemporaries was able to bring into the light of God something from what was not materialized in their time? Yes, of course, a particularly inquisitive scientific mind is most often able to break through the veil of the Mystery. And a lot is placed on the Altar of Science, and scientists gain world fame, but some are only awarded the stigma of a pseudoscientist. How many persecutions endured Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR Andrei Sakharov, the father of the Soviet hydrogen bomb, who, paradoxically as it may sound, was the most ardent fighter against nuclear weapons... Everything in this world is ambiguous... Blessed memory of Academician Anatoly Akimov, who invented the torsion generator and dedicated his life deeper penetration into the secrets of torsion fields. And here it should be mentioned that, thanks to his acquaintance with my books, I was invited by him to work at his International Institute of Theoretical and Applied Physics, where I worked for several years in collaboration with scientists from different countries. In particular, many years ago, A. Akimov introduced me to the Deputy Minister of Health of South Korea, where later research was carried out on the basis of oncological hospitals. By the way, when he asked A. Akimov if he measured my energy with his devices, he replied: “There are no devices yet to measure the energy of Zinovia Vasilievna, not only on Earth, but even in the solar system ...” At one of the meetings with readers in Kiev I spoke about the fact that some frescoes in the Sophia Cathedral give impulses at certain times. And subsequently, the scientists who worked on the territory of the temple said that they bought, as far as I remember, Dutch sensors and made energy measurements, which confirmed the manifestation of high-frequency impulses emanating from the frescoes, as well as from the sarcophagus at the designated time. So, with the team of A. Akimov, we visited Kyiv, got acquainted with these scientists, and new experiments were planned. Thanks to the instruments available to A. Akimov, measurements were made in many temples, churches, monasteries, and where they were not prayed, the indicators were rather low or practically absent. And this applies not only to Christian, but also to Buddhist temples. And where the prayerful spirit was high and pure, there the energy indicators were quite high. I also tried to promote the establishment of cooperation with Indian physicists, for example, my friend Dr. Variam Singh highly appreciated the works of the theoretical physicist Gennady Shipov, whose scientific research I introduced him to. Of course, for the Eastern consciousness, based on ancient treatises, the developments of our "pseudo-scientists" are deeply understood, since they are consonant with Vedic philosophy. Of course, not being a physicist, I, as a philosopher, cannot judge how right official science is in terms of recognizing or not recognizing these scientists. But every seeker of Truth, at least in the 21st century, has the right to respect, and if he can no longer be burned like Giordano Bruno or condemned like Galileo Galilei, then at least not be morally persecuted ... Does a true scientist, who is not alien to the ideas of humanism, have time to break away from your urgent research and spend it on stigmatizing your own brother, who, as best he can, makes his way through thorns to the stars?! Here, only Time itself - both as a physical and as a philosophical concept - will judge everyone ... And as the Great Teacher Jesus Christ said: “By their fruits, you will know them!” ​ I cannot ignore one of the associates of Academician A. Akimov, Academician Petr Garyaev, who throughout his scientific career was persecuted by the official structures of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He left just a few days ago... Blessed memory of this searching spirit! And although I was not closely acquainted with him, I know that P. Garyaev was a staunch supporter of the wave (quantum) structure both on the plane of the microworld and the macrostructure as a DNA molecule. Both theoretical and practical experiments were related to proving the existence of information communication channels in the genome, as well as the possibility of exchanging genetic information between biological objects. The works of P. Garyaev are very multifaceted, since he was a man of broad views. The result of which can be considered a high assessment of the monograph "The Quantum Genome in Concepts of the Theory of Physical Vacuum", written by P. Garyaev together with G. Shipov - this book in 2019 was highly appreciated by the Nobel Prize in Medicine Laureate Luc Montenier. And on October 27, 2020, Pyotr Garyaev informed his relatives that he had been nominated for the Nobel Prize in 2021. I hope this news brought joy and instilled good hope in his heart ... ​ Heart! It is Alpha and Omega - the beginning and end of all things - the First and the Last. Again, Alpha and Omega in the book of Revelation of John the Theologian is God ... And man is “tailored” in the Image and Likeness of God. And each of us has drawn our own path, which has a beginning and an end... And here, no matter how good or bad the beginning may be, the end of human life is still the most important. Will the Lord visit and, taking by the hand, raise him from his deathbed, like the resurrected Lazarus, and send him to continue his earthly path, or will he lead along the paths of Eternity to other planets, where more grateful beings will meet the soul, and the soul will continue its work on the new soils of the Cosmic while not forgetting to pray for ungrateful humanity. And again, he will find the one through whose heart he can pass his highest vibrations and give impetus to new scientific searches ... Who knows?! ​ October 27… This day is especially significant for me… October 27, 2020 marks 28 years since the recordings began and the first appearance of the “Parable of the Heavenly Warrior”, who came from life to life to help people; but they brutally tortured him, killed him, and, returning to Heaven, he looked at the Earth with one thought: "Come and conquer with Love." And then I realized that this would be the motto of my life, as it was the motto of many of those who came into this world before me and, perhaps, still live in some part of the world, persecuted, killed morally and physically... to such a person magnificent memorial words, exquisite tombstones? For me personally, a handful of ashes under a simple cross with the inscription “Tormented” would be enough ... I died several times, and when the Mentor of my heart took me by the hand and led me into the depths of heaven, I looked back and saw images of those few people who pressed me to his chest "Teaching of the Heart." And then a silent cry broke out from me: “Lord, return me to them, they will remain orphans! ..” And He returned me to everyone, even to those who organized a trial for me and a public burning of books that were given through me to everyone suffering souls; and I again approached with gifts of the heart to those who had betrayed me more than once. My hope to see someone who, like Paul, stoned the righteous, but, having believed in Christ, became His faithful Apostle, who brought into the world the Word of Love, commanded by the Lord Who visited him, is indestructible!.. But the hope that dies last, I hope, will not die along with me, never meeting the newly converted Paul. ​ My Soul Hurts! And this pain cannot be compared with any physical pain - everyone who has experienced it knows about it. And the only One Who can Help in healing the soul of the suffering is the Lord, who Visits on the very edge of death! He Hears the silent groan of a wounded heart and Comes to those from whose tightly closed lips a plaintive groan does not escape... Thousands of souls come to Earth from other worlds to help the sick planet, and it is riddled with many deadly diseases. The flesh of the Earth is affected by diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular and even venereal diseases, which have both visible and invisible low-frequency formula in the form of energy vibrations. And many inhabitants of other planets take on this heavy burden: to take the disease into their flesh and melt it on their inner fire in order to help change the formula at the cellular level. Many of them die when they reach the “point of no return”, and, of course, by their own will, they can both return to their world and continue the cycle of earthly incarnations, taking on other illnesses. And in the Supermundane Scientific Laboratories, gigantic layers of knowledge are accumulated, obtained in a similar empirical way, which occur in the bowels of humanity, which is sometimes presented in the “image” of purgatory or the abysses of hell ... Here I remember how more than forty years ago in the maternity hospital, while being pregnant, I saw a woman lying in a thin nightgown on a bare stretcher on a bare cement floor. She was diagnosed with syphilis, which her beloved husband endowed, and she had to be transported to give birth to a veterinary dispensary ... She began to have contractions, but she was bypassed like a leper ... I was shocked by her inexpressible mental pain, which was seen in her eyes, and I approached to her… Or maybe, through me, an invisible Angel, the messenger of the Lord, approached her in order to give her the strength to reproduce another person into the world with simple human participation… I believe that the Lord will always come to this mother woman, since her illness, although cannot be categorized as sacred, yet she accepted it as a test, albeit an extremely undeserved one. As for the husband, he, by his own will, allowed the disease and thus aggravated his karma, which the lustful male must exhaust himself, but in no case not the Lord, who honors chaste relationships in marriage above all else! .. Again, many years later, in during my stay in the oncology hospital, I made a discovery for myself that very kind people lie around me, and even my 84-year-old grandmother, who was operated on two days before me, helped me all night, trying to give my body a more comfortable position, while saying that if I somehow bend my legs, it will immediately become easier for me ... She sat in front of me on the bed and prayed ... And at night I saw her as just a white angel ... Perhaps this strange, unfamiliar grandmother was able to stand next to the Lord and perform another resurrection my flesh… Just two people who followed me to another building for irradiation showed rudeness towards me, but then they, seeing how I help everyone, gave me flowers and seeds… Many for some reason they thought that I was a doctor, and they brought me their tests. Regardless of the results, I told them that they were very lucky that they had the kind of cells that could heal quickly. And there already, depending on the degree of faith, the body itself could start the mechanism of self-regulation. Yes, a cordial attitude can work wonders, but again, only with those who are able to show cordiality in return. ​ So, perhaps like many of you, the question again arises in me: “Is sickness a visitation of the Lord?” Haven't I led a righteous life for many years? But did Seraphim of Sarov, who was seriously ill from childhood and later also, deserve all these inhuman pains? And even when the robbers beat him severely and left him, thinking that they had killed him, did he interrupt his path of serving people?! Of course, one can cite hundreds of examples from the martyr's life of the saints. But trying to understand the nature of all diseases, one should remember one thing: one should always take care of the heart - for only the Lord can come there, because, unlike other organs, it is woven from a higher-frequency matter, its energies have not been studied and are a great mystery for Science today, which needs to be addressed immediately. And then everyone who has been shackled by illness can honestly admit to himself what kind of illness he has: whether it is sacred, received as a result of Fiery or general planetary experience; karmic, as an unpaid debt, stretching from past lives, as well as received as a result of unrighteous actions; or allowed by his own addictions and ugly attitude to his body, as well as to his soul, and find the answer for himself personally: is his illness a visitation of the Lord?! < Previous article Next article > Subscribe to newsletter to receive messages directly from Zinovia Vasilievna Dushkova Email Subscribe Thanks for subscribing!

  • Sun's Instructions | Zinovya Dushkova

    HOME Z. V. DUSHKOVA BIOGRAPHY ARTICLES FROM THE AUTHOR BOOKS Books in RU Books in EN, DE, FR, ES Audiobooks Buy books in Russia Buy books in Ukraine REVIEWS GALLERY PHOTO GALLERY VIDEO Sun's Instructions printed book in Ru s sian Order The book touches upon cosmo-spatial processes, illuminated from the standpoint of the Solar-Lunar relationships. Here one more secret page is revealed in the history of the development of Mankind, in the rays of the Sun and the Moon, creating the path to its stellar Future. Content I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX I ​ 1. Путь Луны и Путь Солнца различаются тем, что первая несёт огни, устилающиеся в горизонтальной плоскости. Солнце выстраивает всю вертикаль семеричной структуры, тогда как Луна ограничена сферами земной четверицы. ​ 2. Для всех духов, нисшедших из инопланетных сфер, раскинутых за пределами Солнечной системы, срок пребывания на уровне замкнутых Гилем пространств завершён с истечением Эпохи Рыб. Эпоха Водолея есть точка перехода к состояниям разрежённым. То есть первые пришельцы покидают пределы Царства Человеческого, совершив Посев на уровне четвериц землян. ​ 3. Познавшие «разделение» в низшей точке схождения в Гиль переступают черту Огненную, предопределяющую «слияние» с духами, себе подобными. И, поднимаясь ступенью выше, тем увлекают вверх в той или иной мере созвучные им души из пределов Царства Человеческого. ​ 4. Луна остаётся управителем плотных тел Земных творений. Они же готовы ступить на Путь Солнца. И здесь происходит очередное разделение: «Зёрна отсоединяются от плевел». То есть два противоположных полюса силою притяжения магнетического проявляют созвучное их огням отделение Небесного и Земного. ​ 5. Более, чем дано, не может быть дано, ибо не будет усвоено. Ткань плотная имеет пределы вместимости, и если увеличивать накал воздействия Огненного, это вызовет обратную реакцию, подвигая к полюсу Лунному. Но не к Луне подвигать имеем цель Мы, а к полюсу Солнечному. И потому призваны исполнять Законы сфер Высших. ​ 6. Луна живёт по своим законам: она вбирает свет Солнца мерою вместимости своей и, блеснув во всей славе, являет тёмную сторону. Так и люди Земли — двойственны, они могут быть светлы Светом нашим, покуда рядом с ними мощный Источник есть, но аккумулировать свой собственный Огонь, подобно Солнцу, покуда не способны они. ​ 7. Дети Солнца не должны быть заложниками законов Лунных. Питать дитя грудное есть смысл только в пределах сроков, очерченных «недееспособностью» его. Достигнув лет определённых, человек призван быть единицею самодостаточною. А питать «великовозрастное дитя» — значит растить особь подобно трутню, пожирающему плоды трудов чужих. ​ 8. Царь Грядущий на твердь Ступит не для того, чтобы питать «плоть человеческую» Огнями Духа Своего. Так было отдано Тело Христа, принявшего последнюю жертву со словами: «Ешьте плоть Мою, пейте кровь Мою». Гигантской силы искра жизни земной рассыпалась мириадами искринок живоносных, пронизывая плоть и кровь людей земных. И все последователи Учения Солнца были призваны принять последнюю жертву в плане «кровосмешения» с творениями Земли. Эпоха Рыб завершена, время Жертвы минуло, и Время ныне пришло совершить посев уровня более высокого — на уровне Триады Царства Человеческого. ​ 9. Земное земному оставить надлежит. Вдох и Выдох — правят всем Космосом. Насыщение огнями жертвенными — произошло. Чистота эксперимента требует оставить «Поле», очерченное сферами четвериц творений Земных. И пусть они сливаются светом отражений Лунных, проявляя способность взрастить в себе те искорки Света, что были вложены в них носителями Законов Солнца. ​ 10. Мы Шли, обратив взор вниз — в беспросветную глубь. И, достигнув бездны хаоса, совершили Великий Посев, растворившись в массе плотных тел земных. Точка «падения» Богов обращается в точку их восхождения. Сроки, отведённые на процесс сгущения материи, исчерпаны, и сроки разрежения её настали, что требует незамедлительного движения ступенями восхождения вертикального. И ныне Мы Смотрим вверх, обращая взор в беспредельные глубины миров звёздных. ​ 11. Все Пришедшие должны уйти, предоставляя право Иерархии Царства Человеческого вести тех, из недр которых они сумели выйти к Свету, твёрдо встав на Путь Солнца. Мы же оставляем за собой право Наставлять Водителей Рода Человеческого, проявляя Огни на уровне, ограниченном звучанием триад высших. А для этого нужно соприкосновение душ божественных, но не тел земных, низкочастотное звучание которых накладывает отпечаток Лунный, внося диссонанс на уровне энергетических структур. 12. Волею Закона все Мы и Наши сотрудники, нисшедшие в Гиль, освобождены от уз, связывающих с представителями Царства Человеческого. А это значит то, что энергетические центры, составляющие низшую триаду, более не должны смешиваться с огнями творений Земных. Весь фокус внимания переносится на триаду тел высших; таким образом слагается некая ступень созвучия, что может перерасти в наставничество высшего над низшим. И дух солнечный может увлечь тропою своей «дух лунный». Подобное притягивается к подобному. И «Дух Великого Разделения» должен коснуться каждого, на двух полюсах утверждая подвластных дыханию Луны и Солнца. Низшее — к низшему отойдёт, высшее — к Высшему притягивается. Так, на расстоянии определённом представ по отношению друг к другу, Иерархия Света, Солнцу подобно, будет питать Род Человеческий, который Законами цикличного Вдоха и Выдоха Лунного сложит свою историю восхождения ступенями Эволюции. The book "Instructions of the Sun" sounds like the Blagovest, the final chord of the Mystery of Star sowing on the soils of the earth. ​ The Light of Illumination is shed from the pages of the book on all human souls of the Sublunar Kingdom and awakens from a deep sleep of oblivion. ​ The book "Instructions of the Sun" is one of the treasures, the works of Zinovia Dushkova - take as much as you can fit. This is their feature. ​ Many thanks to the author for the long-awaited and timely, on pressing issues, book. ​ TO THE LIGHT WORKER Let the whirlwind spin For the Glory of the Father To the joy of the saints May there be no end Your deeds! Let the sparks of love They fly around the world Hearts are on fire People are being awakened. Let the light shine earth with love, She will rise Throw off the shackles! Let the darkness recede At the bright dawn There will be no place for her On our Earth! Let happiness live The gardens are blooming The man will be covered - Knows the truth. Let the dawn send Kiss of the universe. Love will rise Certainly in our hearts! Let the whirlwind spin For the glory of the Father For the joy of the saints. May there be no end Your deeds! Ekaterina Bychkova Kherson, Ukraine Reviews Subscribe to newsletter to receive messages directly from Zinovia Vasilievna Dushkova Email Subscribe Thanks for subscribing!

  • Stanzas of Love | Zinovya Dushkova

    HOME Z. V. DUSHKOVA BIOGRAPHY ARTICLES FROM THE AUTHOR BOOKS Books in RU Books in EN, DE, FR, ES Audiobooks Buy books in Russia Buy books in Ukraine REVIEWS GALLERY PHOTO GALLERY VIDEO Stanzas of Love EBook in Ru ssian The book is a fragment from the Secret Book of Dzyan, an archaic manuscript, the symbolism of which is expounded in the Ray of Love-Wisdom. Content Stanza I Stanza II Stanza III Station IV Stanza V Stanza VI Stanza VII Stanza VIII Stanza IX Stanza X Stanza XI Stanza XII Станца I 1. Лхасы Вращали Звёздное Колесо. Они заводили скрытую пружину, что затем развернётся, выражаясь понятием «Время». На Земле ждали, ибо носившая это название точка уже знала о предназначении. Маленькая, едва заметная капля Материи кружила в Вечности. Владыки-Липики предначертали ей Любовь! Она должна была заполнить эту малую каплю и, уплотнив, довести до определённых ей границ. 2. Солнце начинало Круг. Ему была определена роль носителя Любви. И предстояло отдать жар Огненного Сердца тому малому сгустку, что, наконец-то стал проявлять определённые очертания. Состояние разрежённой Материи позволяло проделать прекрасную работу по наполнению Любвеобильными токами Солнца. 3. Лхасы Знали Своё Дело и, Вращая Колесо, задавали новый темп движению. Скорость вибраций возросла. Плотность Материи обрела устойчивость и упругость. Токам Любви приходилось бороться, чтоб успешно прободать Огнями камень. 4. Новое Царство Камней заполняло Землю, предоставив её власти неподвижные тела. Планета, взращённая токами Любви, знала единственный Путь, которым могла выращивать сама. Любовь! Она была здесь и правилом, и законом, и формой Жизни. От Земли требовалось одно — Любить! И Владыки-Липики строго следили за исполнением Кармы. 5. Планета старалась изо всех сил. Она Знала, как надо Любить, и Знала, что такое — быть любимой. Отдавая весь пыл и жар Любящей Души, она согревала неподвижные камни, преодолевая твёрдость и упругость. Они оживали, вбирая щедрые токи Любви. Камни воскресли! Они начали цвести подобно лепесткам Божественных Цветов, в свою очередь, став ими. Цветы украсили планету. 6. Жар Солнца стал сильней, ибо воочию лицезрел магическую силу воздействия Любви. Цветы любили Солнце, любили Землю. Это были общие Дети! Родители заботливо опекали пышные радужные головки, щедро распахнутые им навстречу. Вселенная видела работу Владык. Она была довольна первыми успехами цветов: они работали, одаряя мир благоухающим ароматом. Привлечённые силой Любви цветов, созвездия щедро отдавали им свою… Владыки-Липики были довольны: всё шло согласно Предначертанному Плану. 7. В мире правила Любовь! Она была спокойна относительно своих земных владений. Все светила поддерживали Её в этом Божественном Деле. И только Солнце иногда тревожно всматривалось в недра Земли, когда та, вращаясь, периодически скрывала от него свои бока. Из-за плотности Материи Солнце было не способно заглянуть и увидеть, что же делается на той стороне планеты. 8. Гигантская растительность опоясала весь мир, скрыв в тени и заглушив мощными корнями крошечные стебельки нежных цветов. Гиганты захватили власть и стали жадно поглощать свет, лишая тёплых Солнечных лучей тех, кто был ниже и гораздо слабее их. Малые создания чахли и погибали без ласкающего жара Вселюбящего Солнца. 9. В мире впервые появилось зло. Светило не сумело разглядеть того, что делается под густыми кронами гигантских деревьев. Там затаилось зло, которое сумело прокрасться незамеченным. Всевидящее Око Солнца частично утратило власть, ибо не могло проконтролировать незримую оборотную сторону Земли. 10. Сгущение Материи дошло до предела. Минули миллиарды лет, и души людские были подобны камню… Кто сделал их такими чёрствыми и непробиваемыми, — было трудно ответить! Они познали зло, которое уже вовсю вращало своё чёрное колесо времени, стоя за границей Света. И, находясь на оборотной стороне, тьма пыталась перекачать весь Свет, чтобы преобразовать его во мрак. Но для этого ей нужны были помощники из числа землян. 11. Свет сражался яростно, вооружённый Единой Силой Любви. Он не испытывал ненависти к тьме и не знал ревности, ибо всегда пылал чистой Божественной Любовью. Это было мощнейшее оружие, против которого тьма была бессильна. Необходимо было завладеть этим оружием, чтоб стать всемогущим! Но тьма не могла открыто приблизиться к Свету, ибо тут же сгорала, охваченная Пламенем Любви. И тогда она нашла выход: завладеть Сердцами человеческими, что одни способны вмещать Священный Божественный Дар. 12. Сердце человеческое горело, уподобясь Небесному Светилу. И это крошечное солнце в груди было полно светлыми токами Любви, льющимися через край. И тем не менее Сердце постоянно искало только Любви, испытывая бесконечную жажду. Лишь Любовь могла утолить это Божественное чувство. Видимо, Любовь земных Сердец не знала удовлетворения, ибо всё ещё не испытала в полной мере силу Священной Божественно Высокой Любви. Предстояла огромная работа по её познанию. И с целью исполнения этого чистого Небесного Труда, Владыки-Липики обратились с просьбой, чтоб Лхасы завели Высокий Механизм, Вращающий иное Колесо, что уже будет выходить за границы Времени и вне его вести Сердца людские по небесным тропам к познанию Истинной Любви. Reviews Great Book! Her language is divinely simple. The source is felt to be the Highest! There was not a single moment of doubt, objection, as happens when reading "ordinary" books... It is simply necessary that as many people as possible have the opportunity to touch this Book. Low bow to the One who managed to write down this highest Knowledge for the salvation of Mankind... Tatyana Aslamas Cheboksary, Russia ​ ​ Always, when I reread the “Stanzas of Love”, a feeling of harmony and peace sets in in my soul, and everything earthly and perishable disappears somewhere ... giving me hours of Hope and heartfelt Wisdom of the moment ... and I feel like a part of the great and endless Ocean of Eternity to which I belong... Dear Zinovia Vasilievna! Accept, as the Gratitude of my heart, these rhyming lines, inspired by the "Stanzas of Love". How I want Love to be desired by every human heart, so that hatred leaves us forever, so that the most beautiful decoration of our face is a smile of Joy... I Believe that this is exactly what Heavenly Lhasa will be like! ​ Stanzas of Love "Stations of Love" - Message of the Gods, That they love us and cherish us ... From the depths of the gray ages "The Teachings of Dzyan" They give us secret secrets! They are full of heart Wisdom Sofia herself gave them to us, They are a million years old... But how dear they are to hearts! Those secrets inspire us with Hope, That starry eternity is full of rationality, That there are no accidents in the Starry Space, She is filled with patterns! The whole universe was created by love Everything breathes in the rays of Light and Goodness! From the Fiery Worlds they send us the rays of the Covenant Lords-Lipikas - Proponents of ignorance and evil! Their hearts are burning with Divine Wisdom And strong hands hold the helm, All the Life Periods of the Creatures they know... And Evolution, their Life is a stellar Ideal! They are confident in the Victory of Light! And Mankind is led to that Victory, Rising in Love, beautiful planet, Having chosen the path of the Fiery Heart forever! "Stations of Love" - the Creation of Love itself, What lives in the heart of every spark ... Let's not extinguish O drive that secret - Who Loves, Believes, Hopes and Waits! 22.10.15 Evgeny Beryozkin Kyiv, Ukraine ​ ​ This book is about Divine Creativity, about how our Planet Earth was built. God Creates Worlds from the Energy of Love. Love is His Material. Condensing, these energies turn into earthly matter - the one that surrounds us, of which our earthly bodies are composed. We are all created from the Love of the Creator, our Father — we came out of Him and we are going to Him! This book is about His Love. Being in an ordinary routine life, it is difficult to cast a glance over the path of the Earth's Evolution and see one's place in this chain. A deep bow to the author for his help in enlightenment and a powerful impulse to reflect on the invisible Patterns of the Divine Intention. The book helps to see, as if from the height of Heaven, the entire history of the construction of the Planet and to feel responsibility for Humanity, for oneself personally before the Father Almighty, before the countless victims of the Great Teachers. Stanzas are the steps of the descent of Love into the depths of the birth of the Earth. This is the history of its creation from the Origins to the present day at the highest level of Creation. Only the Highest Spirit, which itself consists of the energies of Love, could turn our gaze to this Process. It is happiness to plunge into these reflections, to try to understand your place in the endless Chain of Climbing the steps of Eternity. The Greatest Mystery is described in a simple accessible language, it is easy to read, in one breath. The “aftertaste” that remains after reading makes you soar above the ordinary for a long time, leads to deep reflections about Good and Evil ... ​ Lydia Kosova Kemerovo, Russia ​ ​ The twelve-string “Stances of Love” sound amazing on the strings of the Soul, thirsting to know itself in God, whose name is Love, which tells through the purest Source of the crystal Word of the author the Truth of the Creation of the World, the Mistress of Love, and in a miraculous way the complex Truth is perceived easily and accessible. Touch the strings of the magical Book and it will reveal the innermost secret of your Divine Path, to your Father's Starry House. Ekaterina Bychkova Kherson, Ukraine ​ ​ Stations of Love! This little book is my companion. I often took it, going to the Holy Place, to the Temple, visiting the Shrines of Moscow, Kiev, Crimea, repeatedly visiting the Trinity-Sergius Lavra and other very important places for me. I have always admired how it was possible to fit the Infinite into a few lines, a few pages. The entire Evolution of the Earth, Humanity unfolds in such a powerful energy spiral that the heart simply trembles and is washed by pure, tender, loving tears. Because such a stream of Love flows from there — the Creator's Love for His Creation. Many thanks to Zinovia Vasilievna for this Greatest Work of her Heart. Lyudmila Petkevich Kherson, Ukraine Subscribe to newsletter to receive messages directly from Zinovia Vasilievna Dushkova Email Subscribe Thanks for subscribing!

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  • The Mystery of Christ | Zinovya Dushkova

    HOME Z. V. DUSHKOVA BIOGRAPHY ARTICLES FROM THE AUTHOR BOOKS Books in RU Books in EN, DE, FR, ES Audiobooks Buy books in Russia Buy books in Ukraine REVIEWS GALLERY PHOTO GALLERY VIDEO The Mystery of Christ eBook 4, 9 5$ Thales of Argos (Apocryphal Epistles) Zinovya Dushkova, Preface ​ Translated by Sergei Arutiunov Proofread by Anna Pavlovic, Ph.D. In his book “The Mystery of Christ”, a great initiate of the Theban Sanctuary makes it possible for us to experience the dramatic events of the First Advent of the Christ. It tells us about the works of Jesus Christ and his mother Mary in a new way, and presents us with a new mystery of space known as Sophia. Subscribe to newsletter to receive messages directly from Zinovy a Vasilievna Dushkova

  • Чей голос слышите? | Zinovya Dushkova

    HOME Z. V. DUSHKOVA BIOGRAPHY ARTICLES FROM THE AUTHOR BOOKS Books in RU Books in EN, DE, FR, ES Audiobooks Buy books in Russia Buy books in Ukraine REVIEWS GALLERY PHOTO GALLERY VIDEO < To the list of articles WHOSE VOICE DO YOU HEAR? Whose voice do you hear when you listen to other people's voices, and even to your own voice? Who is behind your voices, as if connecting with an umbilical cord to those spheres to which this or that person is “connected”? Yes, yes, leaving the womb of our mother, losing the umbilical cord connecting us with her, we still retain an invisible connection with those “maternal” spheres from which our spirit came. But are all those living on Earth highly spiritual people? No and again no, unfortunately!.. We are forced to state the fact that most of the fiends of hell live here than the great saints. Alas, this fact is undeniable! And yet there are more and more beautiful people every day, for the thicker the darkness, the brighter the stars, truly! Their voices, bringing peace to our hearts, begin to sound louder and brighter, isn’t it because the silent voice of their guiding star shows them the right path leading to peace and harmony!.. ​ A gigantic table is spread across the planet, on which lies a sacrificial lamb, and billions of people have gathered around for a meal, the majority of whom are trying to snatch a bigger and fattier piece. O God, why are You among them, when so many Judases have multiplied on Earth?! And each of them, for many centuries, tried to get close to You through Your beloved children - in the spirit of half-bloods. The newly-minted Judas tried to drown out the quiet, gentle and timid voices of the Messengers of God with their loud voices that did not tolerate objections. And small, lost souls trustingly listened to the treacherous voices, because out of their thoughtlessness they believed that since this man was sitting next to the Lord and repeating the Words that came from the Savior’s Mouth, this means that this man himself was almost an apostle or an archangel in the flesh. And who knows, if in the hour of betrayal many future apostles had not fled and the shrill voices of the crowd had not chanted “Crucify him!”, maybe history would have turned out completely differently!.. ​ Oh, how many unctuous voices have I heard in my life, how many assurances of fidelity and devotion to me, whether as a child, a girl, a woman or a soul making its own way through thorns to the stars, have been heard over the course of decades! I lost the voices of my father and mother already in early childhood, the voices of betrayed men, and some of those women who began to zealously show “maternal” care, have sunk into oblivion, trying to drown out the Voice of the Mentor of my Fiery Heart with their mentoring voices... They tried to cut off the umbilical cord, connecting my spirit with the Fire-Breathing Aeons of Sophia - the Wisdom of God, and firmly tied to their “worldly wisdom”, which goes into the dark egregors, like conglomerates of a web entangling the planet. And only the silent voice of my Heart, as well as the voices of the Fiery Hearts of people known and unknown to me, who carefully clutched my books to their chests, helped me not to fall into the depths of hell and led me along saving paths leading to the Heavenly World. Of course, all of us, striving towards the Light, must go through part of our path in complete darkness, as if abandoned even by our Guardian Angel, until we begin to discern the silent voice of our own Heart, which is trying to drown out myriads of other people’s voices. ​ Blessed are those Hearts that carry out the Great Service, both in life and in “death,” for Fiery Hearts are immortal, their silent Voices continue to sound, and what is sound, no matter how vibration! I will quote the words of E. I. Roerich: “...some mantrams are meaningless and contain only sound. Therefore, we see how necessary vibration is. For the same reason, much was not written down, but was transmitted orally. After all, letters without a certain sound do not give a consequence. In addition, the quality of the voice itself is of particular importance. The chest voice can provide more resonance than the external, flat or nasal voice. So not only the melody itself, but the quality of the voice will be significant. I believe that the quality of the voice is now little valued...” (Teaching of Living Ethics. 1936, Aum, 33) . Yes, it is vibration that is the component of the umbilical cord, the quality of which will determine with whom this or that person actually belongs: whether he is connected, as if by a silver thread, with the Divine spheres, or, hiding behind the words of the Teachings of Light, connected with the egregors of dark forces. And a person who does not have the quality of recognition, in search of a saving word, can get carried away on a path, which will ultimately lead to death, because not spoken words, but vibrations can introduce dissonance and destruction into the tissue of the heart... ​ It is necessary to remember about vigilance, and here again I will quote a fragment from the Works of Helena Roerich: “They may ask: how to distinguish a newcomer? Of course, not according to words. Better accept the old way of the East - by the eyes, by the gait and by the voice. The eyes are genuine, the gait and voice, of course, can hide the truth with special skill, but the totality of the entire triad of signs is unmistakable...” (Teaching of Living Ethics. 1926, Community, 190) . And here I would like to say that many of those with whom you are not personally acquainted and whose eyes you cannot look into, who voice the books of Helena Ivanovna Roerich, are too far removed from the vibrations that are embedded in her Works. Some of them are like the Guardians of the Threshold blocking access to precisely those vibrational constants that were Given and Inscribed in the Sacred Texts by the Great Lord. Without delving into the topic: who and when was close to the Great Spirits, whether he walked alongside Them, remaining faithful, or served as an inquisitor, I will only say that the Great Lord personally recommended that I and my loved ones read books, and especially copies of manuscripts , turning to the diaries written by Urusvati’s hand, for even through handwriting you can touch with your heart the vibrations of the Heart not only of hers, but also of those that were crystallized by the Lord. ​ Being in the Kullu Valley, of course, the Lord of my Heart revealed to me a lot about the meaning of different voices and gave me something that was in some way reflected in the texts of many books I wrote down: “It is essential to cleanse speech and bring it to a chaste state. In this way we will be able to come closer to understanding the voice of nature - the Divine Voice. Look back at the words you spoke. They fell like grains, covering your trail. Have bushes of fragrant roses sprung up everywhere, has the path been overgrown with thistles, making the path to you impassable? So with words we pave the way to ourselves. Who will walk along it depends only on us. Cover the path with rose petals, and I will come to you” (Brotherhood. Aboveground Abode. Part I, 1995, India (Kullu, Naggar), December 13, 26) . Let me give you another fragment from my books: “Have you ever thought about the properties of your voices?! Why do some people irritate you or make your heart ache with anxiety, while others, on the contrary, bring inexpressible delight?! So divide all the sounds that appear in the world into two parts, adding to the card index of voices into those that are pleasant and unpleasant to you. The voice basically carries many different properties that characterize a given person as an exponent of a certain invisible layer, so to speak, of the niche he occupies in space. And, if he is an exponent and a kind of mouthpiece of the lower layers, he will transmit rough, low-frequency vibrations, cementing the space with them. Thus, on an increasing scale, other voices can be sorted out in the same way as on a descending scale. Peculiar emissaries wage an invisible struggle, using the energies of their own layer as a weapon. They attack their interlocutors, enveloping them in words, as if in nets, from which it is difficult to escape without breaking them, because those who cast them do not catch you in the net in order to release you into freedom. The one entangled by them is already attached, as if by a rope, to the layer from which the recruiters came, equipped with verbal nets. And here the need arises to arm yourself with serious knowledge, which will allow you to unmistakably recognize the belonging to a certain camp of the one who appears before you...” (Brotherhood. Elevated Abode. Part 3, 1997, Russia, Vladivostok, March 13, 554) . ​ Let me give you another fragment: “The art of creating sounds is given to everyone. The pitch of the note generated in the chest depends on you. Sound is color, and color determines light, which, in turn, is a manifestation of energy, the uniqueness of carrier vibrations. Think about the quality of your own voice…” (Teaching of the Heart. 1997-1998, MS, 275) . Truly, the sound of the voice determines Light or darkness, because we even pronounce vowels differently, and each of them is associated with a specific chakra of ours, which can set its own low-frequency (sexual) range of vibrations or high heart rate. And here I would like to cite a fragment from the Works of H. P. Blavatsky, where she quotes the words that John says: “And when the seven thunders spoke with their voices... [and] I wanted to write... [but] I heard a voice from heaven, saying to me: Conceal what the seven thunders spoke and do not write it.” So, when in the Pistis Sophia the disciples ask the Teacher Jesus to reveal to them the secrets of His Father’s Light”—that is, the secret of the Higher Self, illuminated through Initiation and Divine Knowledge—Jesus answers: “Are you seeking to penetrate these mysteries? But there is no higher secret than these, which will lead your souls to the Light of Lights, to the region of Truth and Good, to a region where there are no men, no women, no form, but only the eternal, ineffable Light. Therefore, there is nothing more excellent than the secrets into which you seek to penetrate, with the exception of only the secret of the seven Vowels and their forty-nine Powers (emphasized by HPB) , as well as their numbers. And there is no name more excellent than all these (Vowels)” [Pistis Sophia ] (The Secret Doctrine. 1888, Volume 2, Part II, Archaic Symbolism of the Religions of the World, Section IX, Upanishads in Gnostic Literature) . ​ Let me give you a couple more fragments from the books I wrote down: “The Earthly Firmament is a lists where proteges of all spaces, interested in expanding the boundaries of their own worlds, appear on the stage of Life. Often they unconsciously perform their service to certain spheres, sounding at the frequency of vibrations of the only-begotten worlds. And the Earthly firmament, subject to the Power of the spoken Word, begins to absorb certain currents, depending on the goodness of which it gains healing or exposes itself to a serious illness. The timbre and vibration of the voice is the determining factor by which you can find out whose interests this or that speaking source represents. And let the same words be pronounced, but a heart that has the quality of recognition, of course, will discern the true tonality of the color gamut behind a certain creature...” (The Secret Doctrine of Love. 1999-2000, Vol. I, Part 1, Ch. III) . “And, being deafened by the cries and groans of the Earthly World, still listen with all your heart to the Only Voice, sounding higher and higher with every moment. Yes, at least once having heard the Voice of God, you will never be able to cling to another source, for by the Grace of the currents your souls overshadowed will never break the thread that connects the umbilical cord of Fire with the Heavenly World. In every earthly sound, may the Voice of God rise, woven with the height and purity of the currents of Most Pure Love. And may the Song of the Ecumenical Songs triumph, from the Fiery Heart of the All-Loving Creator, Exuded into the spheres, engulfed in the all-creating Flame. Hallelujah to You, O Singer of Eternity! Hallelujah to every unspeakable Word as well as to the spoken! Hallelujah to the Divine Note of Love! Hallelujah to you, who sing the Praise of the inexhaustible, life-giving Power of the Voice of God! May the World, newborn by the Power of Your Word, be blessed for ever and ever, truly! Amen" (Fire Bible. 1999, Book Two, Part II, I. Voice of God) . ​ The ways of the Lord are inscrutable!.. Several years ago, the Lord of my Heart Said that while I am alive, it is I who must voice what was written down by me, Giving me exclusive copyright on those Gifts that were Given by the Hierarchy of Light. So, in the audio recording there is already “Tales for the Messiah, “The Book of Proverbs”, in the recording studio I voiced the “Book of Secret Wisdom”, which was published by AST Publishing House. I also voiced the poetry collection “The Cosmos Speaks in Poems,” which is now in the stage of musical arrangement by the composer who wrote and provided the musical accompaniment to the “Book of Proverbs,” voiced in English. By the way, some readers sent me what they wrote down, for example, a young man from Siberia voiced my books for his blind mother. And I must say that I never forbade making voice acting so that people could use it for themselves or among their family and friends, but not expose it more widely. And the reason here, of course, is not the professionalism of the reader and his decency as a person, but the fact that the Record of the “Teaching of the Heart,” like other Sacred texts, was accompanied by Fiery Experience, which was monitored at the level of the Aboveground Laboratories. None of these people were on those deserted mountain heights, where I was in solitude for months, and wrote down the texts of books... Moreover, I was always embarrassed by my voice, and yet I am called to fulfill the Will of the Lord, following the Law of Expediency, as well as the Hierarchical necessary. Many, when they read books, even in translation, say that it is as if they hear my voice - I read to them... And as one of the spiritual leaders in France says, “... these books, even if you don’t understand them, are already influencing cellular level." Of course, a voice is a combination of certain vibrations, and the currents of Eternal Youth, which were received by me, as well as many others, so far no one can reproduce. And the Lords of Karma will record not the information that has been deposited at the level of mental bodies, but exactly what is happening in human hearts at their deep cellular level. However, it is impossible to describe in a nutshell the truly Universal scale of the research that is being carried out in the Laboratories of the Stronghold of Light, which, along with other research, is also going on in the field of studying the vibrational constants of human voices, the bearers of which are both the servants of darkness and those who block the “voice” war” with his pure heartfelt voice for the benefit of the fastest Evolution of Humanity. ​ Lately, too many dissonant, destructive voices have begun to sound, and, realizing the need for a wider sowing of the Fires crystallized in the books Given by the Hierarchy of Light, I am called upon to fulfill the Will of the Lord, for my will is merged with His Higher Will, and as far as I have enough strength and means - to voice what was written down by my hand. By the way, some of my readers have repeatedly asked me to voice some texts. Unfortunately, there is not always time and means to complete this work, and yet this summer I recorded the first three audiobooks of “Teaching of the Heart” in a recording studio. Soon you will be able to listen to the first of them. In this regard, I would like to remind you that the Teachings of Light do not listen “to bedtime” in order to “relax and fall into slumber.” No, my dear brothers and sisters! I understand perfectly well that many of you have a busy day with work and only in the evening can you find time for yourself, for your soul. Therefore, I would advise at any convenient time, and if it appears only before going to bed, to sit in the lotus position for at least a few minutes or get comfortable and turn on the audio recording: turn towards the Heavenly World, expressing a desire, having fallen into sleep, get up to Serve the Forces of Good, who are in battle day and night! And tune in to the voice... Yes, yes, yes, it is so: “You hear the Voice of Maitreya, sounding between the lines. You feel Sophia’s voice voiced in the lines of “Teachings of the Heart”. Hear the voice of your own Hearts, merging with the voices of the entire Angelic Hierarchy, helping the birth of new sounds on your Earth. Feel all the greatness of the sound of the Voice of Eternity and rush with a trembling spirit towards the Breath of New Life...” (Teaching of the Heart. 1997-1998, Flowers of Maitreya’s Garden Sun of Love, 185) . ​ I will say more: during the recording of the “Teaching of the Heart”, the Rays of some planets and constellations were refracted through all my Subtle Guides, and mainly through the Heart, because the “geoposition”, as well as the energy components of the Cosmic bodies, have changed significantly in recent times. The Fire poured out continuously, and it must be said that just as it hurts after you have burned a part of your body, it is also incredibly painful when the invisible Fire flowing along the nerve fibers incinerates most of them, causing inflammation of the mucous membranes of all internal organs, with Thin-plane Guides also suffer from this, experiencing inhuman pain... Of course, when a person puts literally “the blood of his Heart” into his words, trying with all his might to maintain the height of his voice, despite pain and fatigue, it may be unpleasant for him when he hears about that , that his audio recording is listened to on the go, while washing dishes or sitting behind the wheel, amid the hum and roar around, when the lion's share of attention goes to the road... Of course, I would really like for a dialogue to take place between Hearts, when all attention is focused on that , which pours out from Above, and one can hear the beating of the Hearts of the author and the reader, echoing each other... Why do we need intermediaries from other people’s voices? I would prefer to be alone with each of you, so that through my voice you can feel the breath of Eternity and those Voices that echo the beating of the Heart of Infinity. But these are dreams!.. Oh, how happy I would be to hear the living voices of my Sisters, who, having fulfilled their Duty on Earth, returned to their Father’s House! I don’t want their voices, carrying the Note of the Great Feminine Principle, to be replaced by someone else. And if we do not have this opportunity, then we can listen to them with sensitive ears of the heart through the lines and what is captured between the lines in their numerous Works. With all my Heart I wish to feel the beating of their hearts, burning in the name of bringing the Kingdom of Eternal Light closer in this vale of sorrows and sorrows. Hold the book to your chest and be alone with them to feel the note of the sound of their Sacrificial Hearts. And may we escape the fate of listening to the voices of heartless people, in which, of course, the necessary information sounds, but it can remain on the shelves of memory only until the onset of senile dementia - an unexpected visit from Alzheimer and will finally disappear at the hour of death, when the mental body disintegrates, unable to transform into a qualitatively different state. Only what resonates at the level of the Fiery Heart will be crystallized in the Chalice and will allow us to ascend above those Heights from which our stellar spirit descended. ​ And lastly, my dear ones, when touching the texts crowned with Divine Wisdom, remember that “...Sophia is not mental even when her Mental body manifests itself on the Earthly Plane in full measure... Let the voice of each Heart be woven into a single choir of Angelic voices, Those who sing the glory of My Mother on the Earthly plane, and may it be so forever and ever!” (Gospel of Sophia - the Power and Wisdom of God. 1999, Chapter XVIII) . ​ With Love to you, Zinovya Dushkova < Previous article Subscribe to newsletter to receive messages directly from Zinovia Vasilievna Dushkova

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